Modern Homemakers

Home Hacks To Make Your Bed Hotel-Grade For High Quality Sleep

Here are some hacks you can do at home to upgrade your bed into something more hotel-grade.

One of the things we miss about having a staycation is having a bed that’s just so soft, it swallows us up. While it might be an issue for those who are trying to keep their work mojo going, it’s perfect for those who have insomnia, have trouble sleeping at night, or are experiencing poor sleep quality. Sometimes, just having a fluffy bed to sleep in makes us happy, too! So, here are some home hacks to upgrade our beds into a hotel-grade sleeping experience.

hotel-grade bed
Photo by Max Rahubovskiy

1. Place a comforter or mattress topper on top of your mattress

The secret to making hotel beds soft is the comforters they use as a blanket. But imagine using it on top of the mattress instead for that extra soft padding. Although this would mean getting custom-size bed covers, call it an investment for our health. Soft beds mean better quality sleep, which puts us in a better mood.

2. Get aromatherapy linen sprays

What makes staycations extra relaxing are the linen sprays. The aroma easily influences our moods and if we’re a little nervous around candles, there are some linen sprays that work well for both aromatherapy and anti-bacterial purposes. Relaxing scents that are perfect for the bed include Lavender and Chamomile and there are stores that sell organic ones, too!

3. Have a smooth surface for your mattress cover

Choosing a thin but smooth material for the mattress cover makes it easier to feel the fluffiness of the duvet or mattress topper. Then, for better sleep, get a blanket made from fleece or wool. Although, fluffy blankets are not recommended for those who have pets that shed a lot or have asthma. Weighted blankets are a good alternative.

4. Don’t get a bed cover with a design

Sometimes, a plain bed cover is better because there’s not much going on for the eyes. We’re not trying to impress anybody either so a simple bed and pillow cover will be good enough. Just choose one that’s easy to wash.

5. Fill your bed with pillows.

We love pillows but too many pillows can actually make it harder for us to sleep. Notice in every hotel bed we’ve seen, there are not too many pillows? It also lessens the washing! Having one fluffy pillow is enough. But if you’re the type who needs something to hug while sleeping then, one body pillow will do.

Photo by Castorly Stock

A staycation is always nice but coming home to a hotel-grade bed is always nicer.

Staycations are not cheap especially when bringing the kids to premium hotels. And if you’re just looking for a really comfortable bed to sleep in, there are ways to mimic the same quality for less. At the end of the day, a good quality bed makes sure that we’re rejuvenated and geared up to go for the next day.

More about beds or sleeping?

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