As We All Vowed: “In Sickness and in Health”
Medical City opens up a touching campaign to celebrate the many stories among its walls.
When we married our partners, we also vowed that we’d stay with them “in sickness and in health” or for “better or worse”. It does get challenging—especially when our parenting styles clash, we have a difficult time with our in-laws, or when a long history of family disease suddenly crops up. During the pandemic, it was a challenge and a call to look at our health for both ourselves and our partners. The Medical City, along with NicePrint Photo recently celebrated the love their patients had for one another with a debut of their campaign, “In Sickness and In Health.”

Beyond the Disease and Condition
“A caring hospital for me does not only mean that the hospital staff is dependable. They should treat me and each patient as a person and not as a disease or condition to be treated,” shares 57-year-old Raquel, who was a patient in the Medical City since 2021.
The pandemic was truly a baptism of fire for many of the doctors and families alike—both new and old. Frequent visits became regular—especially with the fear of getting COVID-19, which many once declared to be a death sentence. Others feared the hospital because it made them more aware of their mortality and how their lives were slowly fading away. Besides those, many found the lack of patient-centric elements concerning hospital care—which the collaboration of The Medical City and Nice Print Photo wanted to highlight.
“The short films by Nice Print highlight the joy of finding the one and that relationships are no fairytale. They show how two people in love can weather any storm together,” shares Chief Marketing Officer Dr. Christian G. Delos Reyes. “At the Medical City, our role is to be with you on your health and wellness journey every step of the way; your partner in health and in sickness.”

Staying true to the vow: In Health and In Sickness
Diseases can be threatening on sight especially when it’s a rare one or something we’ve never heard of before. There’s a period of grief where we worry and deny that this happening to us but a disease is best fought with people who support and care for us. We stay with our partners who love us and we fight alongside them every step of the way. And if ever we do forget why we should, catch The Medical City’s web series: In Health and In Sickness on their social media channels.
More about parents’ health and love:
Dear Parents, Please Allow Yourselves To Grieve
Parents Might Be Understanding Tough Love the Wrong Way
5 Ways of How Not Knowing Health Issues Can Destroy A Family’s Happiness