Cleaning Products You Should Never Mix
When it comes to keeping our homes clean and sanitized, it’s important to note the different cleaning products you should never mix.
As parents, whenever we see something dirty or gross in our homes, we immediately want to clean it up with all the cleaning products we have available. However, it’s very important to note that not all cleaning products can be mixed together. Some combinations are toxic or lethal! They can lead to irritated airways, respiratory problems, or burns to the skin, eyes, throat, nose, and lungs. Plus, some gasses created from combining cleaning products can cause damage to the nervous system, eyes, lungs, skin, liver, and kidneys. In some cases, it can even lead to death.

Here are the different cleaning products you should never mix:
1. Hydrogen Peroxide and Vinegar
Although these two can be used one after the other, it’s dangerous to mix them together. Combining them creates peracetic or corrosive acid. It’s an irritant that, in high concentrations, can harm the skin, eyes, throat, nose, and lungs.
2. Bleach and Ammonia
Combining bleach and ammonia releases chloramine vapors. This can cause respiratory problems and throat burns if inhaled. So it’s very important to read the ingredients in your cleaning formulas. Many contain either bleach or ammonia already, and you might accidentally mix together the two. For example, glass cleaners often contain ammonia. So be sure to never mix it together with bleach.
3. Bleach and Rubbing Alcohol
When mixed together, bleach and rubbing alcohol release chloroform. Yes, the gas that old-fashioned bad guys use to knock out their victims! High levels of exposure can lead to damaging your nervous system, eyes, lungs, skin, liver, kidneys, and death. Even low levels can make you dizzy or nauseous.
4. Bleach and Vinegar
Bleach and vinegar also release chlorine and chloramine vapors. And these can cause chemical burns to the lungs or eyes.

Sometimes, less is more — especially when it comes to cleaning products
In keeping your home clean and disinfecting different areas, it’s best to just stick to one cleaning product. For example, bleach can be used for the toilet bowl, sink, and bathroom tiles.
Meanwhile, Kurin is an all-purpose super ionized water from Japan that is effective and versatile in cleaning toys, jewelry, vegetables, and more. A single spray can do five things at once: clean, degrease, deodorize, sanitize, and disinfect. It’s safe to use even with babies and pets around.
Another option is Wonderhome Naturals, which puts sustainability at the forefront. They have a Home Care Line and a Hypoallergenic Line that are safe and ideal for babies and pets as well.
Now that you know what cleaning products you should never mix together, share this with a fellow parent to inform them as well!
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