Dawn Zulueta Lets Go of Jacobo: “It’s Time To Spread Your Wings.”
Celebrity mom Dawn Zulueta sees her son, Jacobo, off during his graduation with wise words of “letting go.”
When celebrity mom Dawn Zulueta tearfully watched her son, Jacobo, go up the podium to pick up his diploma, she knew it was a sign to let him go.
“It’s taken me a while to formulate the words to express what wants to burst out of my heart. I speak for your Papa also when I say how overwhelmed with love and pride we are for you & what you’ve worked hard to accomplish,” she pens her letter to her son.

Jacobo recently graduated senior high from International School Manila (ISM). As of now, he has no college plans but has revealed gaining acceptance from Fordham University.
Dawn Zulueta: Comforting words to moms who struggle in letting go
It’s never going to be easy for parents to let go. But Dawn Zulueta’s short and poetic letter to her son sums up some comforting and wise words that all moms want to say to their children as they graduate:
“But don’t worry because I’ll never outgrow being your doting (worry wart) Mama. I’ll never be too far away, too busy, or too tired if you should need me. Keep being good-natured & respectful; these strong traits of yours will carry you well through life. I love you from here to eternity,” she vows.
But no one will ever walk alone
Although moms and dads will have to slowly “ease off” the helicoptering, it simply means they have to change their stance as someone who is more of a companion rather than a figure of authority. Dawn also reminds Jacobo that his journey through college won’t be a lonely one as there are many who are there for his debut into the adult world.

“Now that you’re off to new beginnings and greater heights, know that you’ll always have your family, and all your Titos, Titas, Ninongs, and Ninangs whom you can count on for emotional and moral support,” Dawn writes. “Your cousins: Danni, Celine, and Anda — all four of you were joined at the hip as you grew up together achieving every milestone. Never forget this strong bond that you share, carry it with you as you enter adulthood. You will always need each other to lean on.”
Congratulations on your graduation, Jacobo, and get ready to live your college life to the fullest!
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