
5 Family-Friendly Studio Ghibli Movies to Watch

Here are some family-friendly Studio Ghibli movies to watch.

While Disney has been a big part of our childhoods, Studio Ghibli has also produced a few family favorites. Although not as bubbly as Disney, Studio Ghibli movies also tackle heavy themes that are difficult to talk about. With Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli releasing a new movie, How Do You Live? (Kimitachi wa Dō Ikiru ka?), there might be a newfound appreciation for some of his more classic family-friendly movies.

1. My Neighbor Totoro

My Neighbor Totoro is a masterpiece among many of Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli’s movies because of its light-hearted and simple approach to depicting childhood and the excitement of discovery. The movie talks about a young father who moves his two daughters, Satsuki and Mei, to the countryside and explores whimsical moments that adults often forget in their childhood.

2. Ponyo

If your kids recently got into Little Mermaid or are planning to watch Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken, Ponyo is Studio Ghibli’s approach to the movie. Hayao Miyazaki, inspired by Hans Christian Andersen’s Little Mermaid and unable to accept that the original Little Mermaid lacked a soul, created Ponyo, especially after the success of Howl’s Moving Castle. One of the characters, Sosuke, happens to be based on Hayao Miyazaki’s son, Goro.

3. Howl’s Moving Castle

Dabbling in “anti-war” themes and feminism, Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli’s production of Howl’s Moving Castle was a manifestation of those feelings. Sophie, the main character, shows that feminism is not always loud. But it’s one that can be carried with grace and poise.

4. The Cat Returns

Especially for families who love their fluffy feline fur baby, Studio Ghibli’s The Cat Returns depicts the life of cats in a whimsical way. When the main character, Haru, rescues Lune (who happens to be the prince of cats), she finds herself in an adventure that teaches her to appreciate her everyday life.

5. Kiki’s Delivery Service

When the young witch Kiki needs to continue a tradition, she ventures out to start her own delivery service. It’s a Studio Ghibli movie that tackles the journey of finding oneself and their passion, and developing independence, especially among teenagers.

Studio Ghibli is not your usual anime

It’s a little difficult to find family-friendly movies nowadays especially ones that offer proper life lessons. But Studio Ghibli’s been doing this for years with some of their other movies like Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke depicting more mature themes like environmentalism and the sort. And if families are tired of bright and hyper kiddie films, Studio Ghibli’s films engage everyone with lessons to take away and talk about at the dinner table.

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