A Heartfelt Letter from Our Editor-in-Chief This Mother’s Day 2022
Modern Parenting’s very own Editor-in-Chief, Marga Medrano Tupaz, writes a heartfelt letter to her six children this Mother’s Day.
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are the most anticipated holidays here at Modern Parenting. I look forward to this day every year because I get to celebrate it with a league of extraordinary women all over the world. On my 22nd year celebrating Mother’s Day, I am writing this letter to my six children and sharing it with all our readers. Three of them are now adults and the younger three are in their teens.

Dearest Miguel, Natalia, Arriana, Nicolo, Gabriel and Sabrina
I am eternally grateful for being your mom. It has been the single most rewarding, most profound role of a lifetime. I knew I always wanted kids. But to have been blessed with six is something I have never taken for granted. I don’t know where I would be if you all didn’t come into my life.
Our relationship with each other has evolved so much throughout the years. Aside from being your mom, I now also have the privilege of being your friend. Experience has taught me a lot. Miguel and Natalia, you two have done the most growing up with me and your dad. You have seen us at our worst, so we constantly strive to do better and be better. You and your younger brothers and sisters deserve it.

I Am Sorry
For not always being so attentive especially when I am so focused with work.
For being impatient and temperamental. Everyone knows how vocal and expressive I can be. So if I am not mindful about the things I say to you sometimes, especially when I am agitated, I apologize.
For being petty and childish. I hope you never get tired of “parenting” me once in a while and reminding me of things I myself try to teach you.
If I have ever hurt you or failed you in any way, please forgive me. I am a work in progress. It is because of you guys I am inspired to become the best version of myself.
Always Remember
You don’t always have to have everything figured out. Sometimes you just have to be still, enjoy being in the moment and trust that things are as they should be.
Nothing is more meaningful than getting in touch with your soul. There is so much to be learned from spending time with yourself in silence.
Your worth is not measured by your success, how much money you make, how many friends you have. You will be remembered by how well you treat others and how you make them feel.
You will inevitably make mistakes. And when you do, own up to them and learn from it. Those mistakes are opportunities in disguise and they will come into your lives for a reason.
There’s no such thing as “too late” or “too old.” You can always start over or start something new anytime!
Follow your heart and trust your gut. You can never go wrong.
And the most important thing in the world is to be genuinely happy fulfilling your life’s true purpose. Don’t fall into the trap of living up to people’s expectations and rushing to get to places. Take your time. Be open to change. And live your best life on your own terms.
When You Start Adulting
I will be heartbroken when you leave the nest, but I will always be here for you whenever you need me. Please call me at least once a day. If you live in the same city, please visit us often.
On your wedding days, there will be waterworks. I wouldn’t know how to “let go.” But I will be so proud because your spouses would have the kindest and most grounded humans as partners. And in time, I can’t wait to spoil my grandchildren rotten.
Most importantly, continue to love and take care of one another. I admire the sibling bond and friendship you have created and fostered. As you get older, always be there for each other, especially for whoever may not be in high spirits. When I am no longer around, I would be at peace knowing that I left you all in each other’s company. Together, you will be able to weather anything.

Most Of All, Thank You
Thank you for making my parenting journey one for the books. Having six kids can be stressful and challenging. But you make it all worthwhile. Plus, we can’t deny that we have so much crazy fun together.
For being so understanding and mature about setbacks and curveballs. When the pandemic happened, it was hard on all of us. But you were all so infectiously positive.
For not giving me problems and troubles. For always trying your best to do what’s right. Even if I have to reprimand you and resort to grounding you, bottom line is I am grateful for having such good kids.
For genuinely wanting to hang out with me, for seeking my advice, for confiding in me. Even if it means that you could get into trouble for telling me too much—and you have!
For teaching me each and everyday about unconditional love, kindness, patience and forgiveness. You never let me give up nor fail to show me that there is always a silver lining.

I always take comfort in the fact that we will always have each other—the eight of us—my ride or die. You are my reason and purpose to power through. My love for you may be tough, but it is so deep and so strong. You have my heart, and nothing will ever change that.
Today, I get to celebrate being a parent for exactly half of my existence. What a crazy journey it has been, but it’s one that I will choose to do over again and again.
I hope that in the next lifetime and all the ones after that, you still choose me—imperfections and all. Uncertain as it may seem, one thing I know for sure is that my heart will always long for the six of you. I’m sure we will find our way back to each other. Don’t forget: I love you in all multiverses.
Yours Forever, Mom
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Heartfelt Letter