
How To Fight Against Bedbugs When You See Them

What are bedbugs and how can we protect ourselves from them? Here are some tips for parents to remember.

In case you missed it, a bedbug problem has sprouted in Paris, making headlines during Fashion Week. The issue has soared in the past few days and concern is growing as the city prepares to welcome millions of tourists for the Olympics in 2024.

So how do we combat bedbugs when we see or encounter them in our household? Here are some tips you may want to remember.

Reduce places where bedbugs can hide

According to the Canadian government website, one of the tips is to reduce places where bedbugs can hide. This includes removing clutter, checking for cracks in the wall that can serve as their entrances, and vacuuming under and behind the beds.

Be cautious of what you bring to the house

Sometimes, the items you buy outside your home can be the reason for the entry of bedbugs. Be careful especially, when you bring second-hand items such as mattresses and furniture.

Also, it’s important to replace bedsheets and mattresses every so often because the bedbugs thrive in humid and dirty linen. But inheriting a second one isn’t the best idea — no matter how clean it is. Better safe than sorry.

Have regular check-ups on your house

Although some families rely on the natural home remedy of fighting bedbugs, some go through professional pest control. Have your house fumigated every six months or once a year.

Do not panic!

If there’s one important thing we should learn from the Paris bedbug issue, it’s not to stir panic or commotion. While it’s difficult to remove bed bugs, it’s not impossible. By following some of the instructions mentioned, you can easily minimize the pests in your home without throwing away some of the items that may hold something special for you.

Always check your options

While it’s easy to panic and reach for a bug spray, there are many options to control bedbugs. But if all options don’t work, then seek professional pest control to deal with them.

No amount of stepping on bugs will help. They will always be there; so always be cautious and be prepared for anything.

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