Special Features

Introducing Multivitamins to Your Kids’ Daily Routine…the Fun Way!

Multivitamins are important in keeping your kids healthy and strong. But more than that, they’re essential building blocks that help them to be ready for action!

Having a step-by-step routine and sticking to it doesn’t just make life easy for parents. You can even turn it into an adventure for your little ones! Think of it this way—your kids wake up, get ready for school (or playtime), eat a healthy breakfast, and head on out. It’s like their own personalized roadmap of fun!

As the parent (and captain), you’re the one in charge of their adventure. But here’s the thing: you need to remember that routines are more than just comfort and familiarity. They’re meant to build discipline—as the roadblocks that will turn your little heroes into responsible adults.

Establishing a consistent bedtime, setting enough daily screen time, and making sure your kids eat the right kind of food…all these are what a good routine needs. But the most important one of them all? Taking daily vitamins to keep kids healthy and strong.

Source: propantlc

Why multivitamins are important

Kids live such busy lives! They’re always on the go—exploring, learning, playing, and building fond memories with family, friends, and loved ones. But to be able to do all that, kids need the right vitamins and nutrients, which they can get from fruits, vegetables, protein, and carbohydrates.

The thing is, kids don’t always get to eat the right kind of food every day. Picky eating habits, food preferences, and busy schedules mean that we turn to quick fixes. This includes fast food or junk food like instant noodles, which leads to nutrition deficiencies that multivitamins can help with.

More than that, multivitamins can help:

  • Address Nutrition Gaps. Multivitamins help kids get their much-needed vitamins and minerals, most especially if they have dietary restrictions and allergies. Vegetarians and vegans, for example, can get iron and omega-3 from supplements, since they don’t eat meat and seafood. But in the usual case wherein parents are forced to feed their kids fast food to make sure they eat, multivitamins can make up for that loss.
  • Support Growth and Development. Kids are constantly growing, both physically and mentally. This is why they need to get nutrients like vitamins A, C, D, and E, along with minerals like calcium and iron into their system for bone development, immune function, and cognitive growth.
  • Strengthen Their Immune System. As the saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure,” which is why having a strong immune system is important. And yes, multivitamins help your kids fight off infections and illnesses. Vitamin C, for example, is helpful during flu season, since it gives an added boost of protection against coughs and colds.
  • Improve Metabolism. Given how active kids can be, they need to have enough energy to do it all. B vitamins, including B12 and folate, can help turn food into energy.
  • Strengthen Bones. Vitamin D and K are just some rare vitamins that can’t be found in food. Along with calcium, these are important in developing and maintaining strong and healthy bones. Plus, they keep bones strong and prevent long-term conditions like rickets and osteoporosis.
Source: propantlc

#GanaForLife: Propan TLC helps kids get their much-needed nutrients!

Adding multivitamins into your child’s routine is important, that’s for sure. But knowing what kind of multivitamin is another thing altogether. Choosing a multivitamin for your kids isn’t just about ticking off a nutrient checklist— it needs to also be easy enough for them to eat or drink.

Good thing there’s Propan TLC Syrup! This orange-flavored multivitamin comes in an easy-to-drink syrup that you can make them drink during mealtime. The best part? It has TLC—Taurine, Lysine, and Chlorella Growth Factor—and 100% RENI Vitamin C, A, B1, and D. All these are super important nutrients that help with your kids’ growth and development.

Dealing with a picky eater? Not to worry. Propan TLC is also an appetite-booster that helps your kids eat more. Its specially formulated blend of nutrients helps your little troopers get the vitamins and minerals while making sure they love eating and love what they eat.

With their healthier appetite, they’ll have a newfound gana. For school, playtime, trying out
new things — the newfound energy will give your kids the chance to grow more in Life!

More about raising healthy and happy kids!

Ways to Foster Creativity and Play: The Key to Healthy Child Development

Healthy And Easy-to-Prep Lunch Box Ideas for Kids

Foods Filipinos Can Take to Fight Nutrient Deficiency

Visit Propan TLC’s Facebook page to learn more about how your child can have #GanaForLife at https://www.facebook.com/PropanTLC.

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