QUIZ: Which Type of Parent Are You?
Are you a gentle parent or an authoritarian? How do you react to your child’s misbehavior? Take our quiz to see what type of parent you are!
When it comes to parenting, there’s no manual or handbook that tells you exactly what to do. The most important thing we can do as parents is to form a solid connection with our children. And from there, we can hopefully figure out the parenting style that works best for them or the type of parent we want to be. In the past, we’ve talked about the different parenting styles and their pros and cons. The four types are negligent, permissive, authoritarian, and authoritative.

Four Parenting Styles
Otherwise known as uninvolved, the negligent parenting style is when a parent barely knows anything about their kids. Or, that their information about their kids is highly outdated and that they don’t make any effort to be involved.
Meanwhile, permissive parenting is letting our kids do and get what they want. They become more of a friend to the child and they don’t discipline them for their behavior.
The authoritarian parenting style insists on a rigid hierarchy. Children must abide by all the rules that the parents set, regardless of whether or not the rule applies to the situation. Authoritarians are famous for being inflexible. They often react violently due to a perceived loss of control. Because of the strictness and hot tempers, kids with parents like these can become people-pleasers and become highly convincing liars and manipulators to avoid punishment.
Lastly, authoritative parenting is synonymous with gentle parenting—a modern and evidence-based approach that revolves around empathy, respect, understanding, and boundaries. Moreover, it focuses on fostering the qualities we want in our children—by being compassionate and enforcing consistent boundaries. But gentle parenting also encourages discipline in an age-appropriate way. These discipline methods include teaching valuable life lessons as opposed to punishing.
Now that you’re more familiar with the different parenting styles, it’s time to take our quiz!
What type of parent are you?
Read more stories on different types of parents:
What is a Helicopter Parent and How Not To Be One
What’s the Difference Between Gentle Parenting and Permissive Parenting?
Filipino Tradition and Gentle Parenting According to a Child Development Coach