
Rodjun Cruz and Dianne Medina: All in Good Time

First-time parents Rodjun Cruz and Dianne Medina are relishing in the joys of having a newborn and building the foundation of their small family on faith.

rodjun cruz and dianne medina

The start of their parenting journey in the midst of a pandemic has been nothing short of a challenge. But Rodjun Cruz and Dianne Medina have learned to trust in divine timing. Adapting to the digital way of life as a means of safety precaution, the showbiz couple certainly has their priorities in order and routines streamlined.

A Simple Daily Schedule

Dianne keeps their daily schedule simple as they immerse themselves in activities that benefit baby Joaquin’s brain and cognitive development. “We love to read books, we use flashcards, and allow Joaquin to explore around the house. We also take regular strolls inside the village, and love to sing songs to him,” says the new mom. Holding off on gadgets until he’s older, the proud parents are set on building his foundations on exploring surroundings, and growing his love for books and educational toys.

Instilling a Sense of Normalcy

Despite the restrictions, Rodjun Cruz and Dianne Medina are mindful about instilling a sense of normalcy for their firstborn. “We bring him outside so he can play, even if it’s just in the garden,” the actress explains. Looking to the future, they are excited for Joaquin to experience shopping at the mall, dining at restaurants, and having sleepovers to bond with his cousins. Even bigger dreams include traveling to Boracay and going to Disneyland. But above all, they are counting the days until they are able to bring their little one to church.

rodjun cruz and dianne medina

The Importance of Gratitude and Faith

While parenting experiences vary for everyone, it’s not hard to see that gratitude and faith are arsenals for getting through. “I am blessed to have Rodjun by my side, and I’ve learned to trust God fully. I’ve realized that being open with others and expressing ourselves fully is important so we can cope, and help the people around us to understand what we are going through better. It’s so important to remember that it’s okay to seek help,” says Dianne, who experienced postpartum depression and anxiety while exclusively breastfeeding.

rodjun cruz

Rodjun Cruz: “Life is too short.”

Rodjun Cruz describes their current situation as a humbling experience. “It made me realize that nothing in this world is permanent. We should take advantage of this time by dedicating more of it to be with our Lord Jesus Christ, and use this time for spiritual growth. Life is too short, and we should make the most out of it.”

As seen on Modern Parenting: The 100 List Anniversary Print Issue available on OMG Newsstands on Lazada and Shopee. Digital copies are also available through Magzter, PressReader, Readly, and Zinio.

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