5 Simple Ways to Connect with Your Child Before and After School
In this digital age where connections are mostly formed online, it’s important to build a strong foundation and make a solid connection with your children.
With our modern lifestyles more focused on electronic connections, the amount of screen time that children get has increased along with the information age. In fact, some studies show that teenagers spend approximately nine hours a day in front of a screen. On the other hand, kids between 8 and 12 years old get about six hours of screen time per day. So it’s evident that technology is creating a society that is being raised in a very digital environment. This is precisely why it’s important to connect with your children — even in the simplest of ways. By building a strong foundation of parental connection, kids are able to develop the ability to love themselves and others. In addition, since face-to-face classes have resumed, here are different ways you can connect with your child before and after bringing them to school.

5 Ways to Connect with Your Child
1. Wake up earlier in the morning
Even just five minutes of cuddling with them in bed can do wonders in forming a solid connection. Hug them, kiss them, and tell them how much you love them. These are precious memories they can hold on to, especially during a difficult day at school.
2. Create a secret handshake
This is something fun you can do before dropping them off. Plus, an adorable personalized handshake gives you and your child a special way to communicate and greet each other.
3. Ask them one fun thing that happened
Asking them about their day or at least one fun thing that happened allows them to open up to you more comfortably — especially in scenarios where something not so nice happened.
4. Write sweet notes and hide them in their lunchbox, pocket, or bag
This is a sure way to put a big smile on their face! This also works for parents who aren’t very vocal and are better at putting their feelings into words.
5. Sing songs to and from school
Singing songs together bonds you and your child as you discover what kind of music you’re both into. It can form a strong connection and eventually become one of your bonding sessions together!

There are different ways to connect with your child
Every child is unique so it also makes sense that there are different ways you can connect with them. Little things like figuring out what their love language is can help strengthen your connection, too.
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