Solenn Heusaff and Nico Bolzico Celebrate Thylane’s Baptism
Welcome to the Christian World, Tili!
Last May 7, 2022, Nico Bolzico posted a short video of Thylane Bolzico’s intimate baptism on his Instagram. The family wore all-white to the event and the video had a caption: “After 2 years and 4 months…” Present at the celebration was celebrity and Solenn’s sister-in-law, Anne Curtis, with her daughter, Dahlia Amelie.
A White Celebration
Thylane’s intimate baptism celebration was a pretty fun event for the kids. Slides, ball pits, and trampoline tents filled the room! Kids were jumping and rolling in the pits. But they weren’t the only ones who had fun. Even the dads had a picture in the ball pit as seen in Solenn Heusaff’s Instagram story that she reposted from Bobby Maro:

But more than anything, we’re happy that Solenn and Nico were finally able to hold Thylane’s baptism. Especially when it’s hard to keep shifting schedules, adjusting to the church, and making sure all godparents are accounted for, it’s a big sigh of relief and relaxation. Two years is quite the long wait. Most parents would have preferred it after a year their child was born.
But it was the pandemic. And it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Baptisms as Intimate Celebrations
Patience is key when it comes to planning celebrations like these. We’re sure that Nico and Solenn really bided their time for Thylane’s baptism until everything was settled. Once again, congratulations, Tili! Welcome to the Christian World!
Wondering how baptisms go nowadays? Here’s how celebrities do it!
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