Timeless Fun Home Activities You Loved That Your Kids Will Enjoy, Too!
Because nothing beats a classic…
As Christmas vacation approaches, parents are looking for ways to keep their kids entertained. From enrolling them in workshops to scheduling trips, holiday fun is endless. However, there are days in between that are hard to figure out. Do you remember what you did during your school breaks? Let’s take a trip down memory lane for some of the timeless fun home activities you loved that your kids may enjoy now!
Timeless fun home activities for your kids
Play board games

Go for the classics! You can never go wrong with the oldie-but-goodies, Snakes & Ladders, Game of Life, and Monopoly.
Build forts
With a few blankets, pillows, and boxes, you can have a unique camp out right at home. Best of all, you can keep it up for days—the whole vacation, even.
Have a paper airplane race
What’s a more timeless fun home activity than trying to make the perfect paper airplane? You can even use scratch papers or design the planes however you like. Mark your start and finish lines and you’re ready for take off.
Pretend to be robots
Remember standing in front of the electric fan, talking into it, and getting a kick out of how it changes your voice? Well, it may be over 30 years later but it’s still a lot of fun!
Make polvoron

This is a bit specific but making polvoron just seems like a rite of passage. You just need flour, sugar, milk, and butter, and you’re good to go. Make a day out of molding the polvoron into fun shapes.
Have a classic movie marathon
Introduce your kids to some of the movies you loved from your childhood. Watch Richie Rich to also make them wish they had a McDonald’s in their house, like you did. Need movie inspo? Check out our list of all our fave Christmas movies!
Make ice candy

Pick up your kids’ favorite juice flavors for this timeless fun home activity. Mix the juice, pour them into individual plastic bags, and freeze. You can also play-pretend and set up an ice candy stand right in your own living room.
So tell us, which of these will you try out today?
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