7 Tips to Survive the Week as a Solo Parent
The next time you’re alone with the kids, or if you’re a single parent in need of some motivation, here are tips to remember!
Being a solo parent can be tough. Whether you’re left alone with the children while your partner is away, or you’re a single parent trying to get through the week — we know the challenges it entails. So we’ve come up with a list that hopefully makes things bearable.

Here are some tips for solo parents to survive the week:
1. Prepare mentally
This sounds easier said than done. But being a solo parent means you get to design your days, set the tone, and make decisions without checking in with anyone else first. So you can consider this as a chance to mix things up! Why not do things differently today?
2. Brainstorm together with your child
Sit down with your child or children and explain to them that you’ll have some special time together. Ask them questions and get their input! Perhaps they can suggest places to go, things to do, food to eat, and more. You might even realize how much easier it is to work together as a team when they’re included in the process.
3. Create a visual plan
Even stick figures will do! This helps your kids know what to expect, understand that their separation from you is temporary (when you need to drop them off at school or daycare), and feel secure and confident because they can refer back to your drawing as the days progress.
4. Keep things simple
When you feel like you’re the only one who has to do it all, things can get very overwhelming. However, a mantra for solo parenting days should be: “Everything that can wait, can wait.” Instead, you can prioritize certain tasks and choose which ones to focus on first. Is it quality time and laundry? Or cooking and play dates? It’s okay to lower the expectations you’ve placed upon yourself.
5. Expect the waves
Sometimes, you might start off on a high. You’re all excited about the things you’ve planned. But some days, you’ll crash — especially when the initial adrenaline wears off. When this happens, you can repair, refocus, and readjust. Remove some more of the expectations until you find a sweet spot. Anticipating these waves makes it much easier to support your kids through them.
6. Prepare to repair
Things won’t always be smooth-sailing and there will be days you’ll feel like exploding. In these situations, it’s okay to reset.
7. Being a solo parent doesn’t mean you’re alone
Just because you’re a solo parent, doesn’t mean you have to be alone with your children. It’s okay to ask for help. If it might lighten the load, why not ask your mom or sister to come over and spend the day with you? Or perhaps you can ask a pre-school friend if your child can carpool for the day? Remember that you don’t have to do it all. You don’t always have to be on your own when help comes in many shapes and forms!

Solo parents, you can do this!
As you navigate through the week, you might even feel unstoppable. And believe us, you’re a superhero!
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