Why We’re Taking Our Kids to the Art Fair PH 2023
Art Fair PH 2023 is coming up and here’s why we’re taking our kids to the big event.
While we want our kids to be good in Math and the rest of their academic subjects, the arts also help them do better in those areas, too. Whether it’s on canvas, a sculpture, or even digital art, each stroke and color has a purpose that we want our kids to appreciate. We want them to grow up well-rounded. But to do so, we need to encourage them to understand something that isn’t so focused on face value. Something that Art Fair PH 2023 offers.

How the Art Fair PH fits any school curriculum perfectly
Schools and teachers can be responsible for book-based knowledge but, it’s up to us parents to build on that. When our kids struggle to understand their book reports, essays, and even math word problems, it’s a sign that they’ve just been memorizing things—not understanding them. Although memorizing can get kids through school, it doesn’t help them much in life. Life will challenge them with a series of situations and make them question their thinking. Similar to what the art at Art Fair PH will do.
Art Fair PH will showcase different artworks, but mostly those of the more abstract and post-modern kind. At first, it may look strange, but there is beauty in it. It just takes time to sit down and understand it. It’s kind of similar to parenting; when our kids’ imagination confuses us, we have to sit down and understand it. Who knows? Maybe a trip to the art fair will help us make it easier to understand where our kids get the strangest ideas.

Besides, it’d be a nice break from the books.
We’re not saying books are bad, but staring at a wall of text can be quite boring for kids nowadays. Adding a bit of color to their demanding school curriculum should ease off the edges of the stress they’ve been getting from schoolwork. With some colleges nowadays adding courses of art appreciation in their curriculum, it’d be nice to also start kids early. Besides, a trip to Art Fair PH might mean a trip to the family’s favorite restaurant after.
This year’s Art Fair PH is currently being held at The Link, Ayala Center, Makati. They have parking near the old Nielsen’s Tower, also known as The Black Bird restaurant.

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