With Love, Mom: A Letter from Jerika Ejercito
A devoted mom of five, Jerika Ejercito-Aguilar gives us a glimpse of her children’s personalities through her love letter to them.
This letter that Jerika Ejercito-Aguilar wrote was first published on Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition available at sarisari.shopping.
A mother’s love is a powerful force that knows no bounds. It’s unconditional, selfless, and
unwavering, and it’s present through the ups and downs, joys and sorrows, and the highs and lows of
life. To celebrate and commemorate this beautiful kind of love, and to close off a month that celebrates mothers all over the world, Modern Parenting brings you heartfelt letters from three moms to their children — one by Jerika Ejercito.

To my precious five,
On the day you get to read this no matter how life has played out, I pray that all of you are serving His kingdom in one way or another.
For in this world where nothing is certain, we know one thing, Jesus is coming back.
I know at times this is hard to grasp in the middle of your responsibilities, friendships, and the endless opportunities ahead of you. But it does not make it any less true. Oh, hear me my sweet child, the size of our house, the cool gadgets you have, the clothes we wear, the trips we make, all the thrills we seek—these will be all gone one day. Do not be distracted by the world’s temporary allurement living for eternal things start now, not later.
So how then should we live?
Until Jesus’ return, this world will busy you, and will lure you into confusion about who and whose you are. Anchor your identity on the one who will never forsake you. My darling, live in anticipation, wait for His return. Long for Him more than anything else and hold fast to His promises in your life.
Live as if Jesus is coming tomorrow because He just might. Love God and His people with all your heart and your mind. Forgive generously, because you have been forgiven much. Spend wisely, knowing that you may not have much tomorrow. Pursue a life set apart, a holy life not because you follow a set of rules but because there is safety in living God ́s way.
Speak the truth in love, even when it is not popular, and find your worth in who you are in Christ and not in the fickle approval of men. When others divide and quarrel, rise above to love even more deeply.
Stand firm, my child. The world will surely fight for your allegiance. Stay the course because your Jesus, the one that died in your place, is worthy of it. There will be a thousand voices calling your name, but learn the art of being still to hear His voice telling you, “This is My way, walk in it, My child.” At times, it’s easy and most of the time it may seem crazy to the world—but take heart for He has overcome the world.
Adore Christ, adore Him as much as you adore sports, your plans, and your goals in life. Never stray too far away from the foot of the cross because whatever life throws at you will infinitely pale in comparison to the purest expression of love on that cross.
Isaiah, my firstborn. You are the catalyst, you are the reason I wanted to fight for the life we have now. You have wisdom beyond your years. May your life speak of His faithfulness, my dear son.
Daniel, my darling.
You have been my reminder of everything pure in this life. You have always remained steadfast and secure in your manner. May you continue to walk according to His will, my dear son.
Michael, my spirited one.
May your zeal for life be as strong for serving God’s kingdom. Your tenacity and eagerness have always been inspiring to see as you grow into the man
God has destined you to be. May God use you mightily, my dear son.
Moses, my baby.
Your sweet temperament is what the world needs more of. Your gentleness softens everyone you encounter and what a gift this is. A heart after Christ’s own for He is gentle and lowly. May the joy of the Lord be your strength, my dear son.
Marta Eleanor, our crown jewel.
I speak God’s promises over your life. Let your beauty be not of the world instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. May you grow into a woman who fiercely loves the Lord.
And lastly, I pray that more than anything you have— titles, accomplishments, talents— let not these things define you but rather, let Christ’s love be the banner over your life.
Las amo a todas muchisimo!
At His feet, Mama
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