Yes, the Dyson Digital Slim™ Vacuum Will Bring You and Your Family Joy
Get ready to tidy up with this family-friendly appliance
It was the first day of 2019 when streaming website Netflix released a new reality television series that caused a massive social media frenzy all over the world. Tidying Up with Marie Kondo starred Japanese organizing consultant, and the creator of the KonMari method, Marie Kondo. To those not familiar with the show, Kondo visits different families to help them organize and tidy their homes. Because of this concept, families started to spruce things up and dispose of items that no longer bring them joy. However, cleaning your house doesn’t just mean throwing things away, but also actually wiping, mopping, and even vacuuming the place. This is why the new Dyson Digital Slim™ is what every parent needs to make sure that each room remains clean and dust-free, thus having a safe space for kids to roam around and play.

According to James Dyson, the brand’s Founder and Chief Engineer, “To make a strong-performing vacuum, it must effectively capture fine dust and small debris, and maintain constant powerful suction.” With the features of the Dyson Digital Slim™ like the Dyson Hyperdynium™ motor that creates a strong suction, and the 11 engineered cyclones that remove dust and dirt from the airflow, moms and dads are sure to enjoy the newly-released vacuum as it ensures that kids, especially those with allergies or asthma, will be able to confidently play in each room.

The Dyson Digital Slim™ is also easy for parents to understand because of its LCD screen that shows the cleaning mode, remaining run time, maintenance reminders, and blockage reports. Its maintenance is also very simple as it has been engineered for smoother and easier dirt ejection.

Spark joy into your family’s daily lives with the new Dyson Digital Slim™. It’s available on Lazada and in Dyson demo stores (Greenbelt 5, The Podium, SM Aura Premier, SM Mall of Asia, and premium retail partners nationwide) starting February 19, 2021.