
Lactacyd and Buscopan Venus Encourage Moms to Embrace Being A Woman

Lactacyd and Buscopan Venus are celebrating “womanpower” in an event with strong female leaders this International Women’s Month.

As the fight for equal opportunities slowly ends, a new fight to empower the world to embrace women’s equity now begins. And what better way to empower than to gather many of the brightest and leading women in their different fields? Lactacyd and Buscopan Venus celebrate womanpower with an event that does exactly that. They’re setting the stage for International Women’s Day 2023 to honor Filipino women.

#IAmWoman: The Difference of Just Accepting vs. Living It

There’s a clear line that differentiates accepting one’s identity as a woman from living it. Accepting means women become passive and more indifferent to the plights, acknowledging that the world is “just the way it is.” However, choosing to live the experience of being a woman is when one takes their story and uses it to help others find the same power. It trickles down to many women who are finding themselves in an ever-changing world. Especially with the latest developments in women’s health.

And as mothers, we often have to play the “bad cop” in raising our girls to be empowered and tough. While the world has changed, some still believe in preconceived notions of female fragility. These notions influence us subconsciously. In fact, it can happen to anyone — including us! And although our harsh words come from a well-meaning place, sometimes we need to stop and ask ourselves: are we teaching our daughters to embrace being a woman or are we hardening their hearts, which eventually makes them part of the problem?

Lactacyd and Buscopan Venus Encourage Moms to Embrace Being A Woman

But when we find the answer and balance, the path becomes clearer for both us and our daughters. Although it’s not a smooth one, perhaps, it’s better to think of these as stepping stones. And this coming March, Lactacyd and Buscopan Venus celebrate womanpower to restore the positivity once found in the term “girl boss” which had devolved into a meme and insult over the years.

Seize that female energy and channel it to empower other women!

Empowering women isn’t just about finding the power in ourselves. It also means supporting other women in finding that same strength. It perfectly captures the saying that queens fix each other’s crowns.

And Lactacyd has invited several key speakers who have become masters of their craft and leaders in their industry. All this is to inspire other women to seize their female energy and change the world into a more inclusive place.

For more details, check out the Facebook page of Lactacyd!

More for International Women’s Month:

The WE for Women’s Month 2023
5 Reasons to Support Women Entrepreneurs
The Philippine Women’s National Football Team Paves Way For Aspiring Filipino Footballers

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