Moms and Dads

Carmina Sanchez Jacob and Joy Go: The Core of Beautymalism

Carmina Sanchez Jacob and Joy Go explain why Beautymalism is the way to go.

This story first came out in Modern Parenting’s 2022 print edition.

Moms today know the importance of a beauty routine — but the myriad of responsibilities one has to juggle can eat away at the time to primp in front of the mirror. Hence, OTG Easy Beauty aims to strip down the clutter common in the beauty world and leave it to easy and uncomplicated essentials.

Beautymalism: What Beauty Is

“We are advocates of beautymalism: natural beauty that is simple and minimal. As we were developing the products over the period of three years, we realized how confusing and cluttered the beauty industry is. And as busy, on-the-go women, we want to look our best without compromising our priorities — thus the concept for this line was born. We realized that the challenge was to declutter our makeup routine just as we were also decluttering our lives,” OTG Easy Beauty co-founder Carmina Sanchez Jacob explains.

Co-founder Joy Go also explains that their beauty brand espouses focusing on the things parents need — hence a need for a fuss-free beauty routine that helps them devote more time to the most important role in their lives. “We do away with excess possessions so we can focus on the things that matter most, which is our family. As parents, we juggle a lot on our plate, and having an uncomplicated daily routine helps us become better parents.”

Keep only the necessities in both beauty and life.

This practice of throwing away excess to preserve the things that spark joy or purpose is one that also translates into Carmina’s family life. “I personally practice annual decluttering with my family. We go through our things and give away what we don’t need or what doesn’t fit. It’s both liberating and constructive,” she shares.

As mothers who innately understand the needs and challenges of her consumers, the founders of OTG made sure that their products needed to be high-quality, multi-functional, and minimalist.

“We established a very clear vision for the brand from the beginning and that has always been our guide. By staying true to these principles, we know that our products will find its niche and grow a loyal, intelligent and discerning following,” Carmina says.

Whether it’s going on a grocery run, preparing for a power meeting, or having to pick up the kids from school, OTG Easy Beauty helps parents prepare for anything that goes on in their day with their products. “When we were conceptualizing [our range], we were thinking of products that we can easily bring with us everywhere and can be multi-tasking. The first two products we developed were the Precise Liner Duo and Creamy Blush Stick Duo which are now our hero products. With these two products, we can have a full face, ready for anything,” Joy explains.

Beautymalism: We should not over-complicate things!

The brand’s founders believe that beauty should help, not hinder moms from being the best versions of themselves. “OTG Easy Beauty believes that beauty is for everybody, reasonable and everywhere. We share the vision that beauty is easy and we should not complicate it,” Joy shares.

“There are many brands that promise a lot of things. OTG was developed to be sincere and enhancing through its design. Those characteristics that speak of authenticity and the desire to improve without complicating matters, are qualities I tend to live by,” Carmina adds.

Trying to keep beauty simple? Here are more ways!

Simple, Pure and Conscious Beauty: Aliza Apostol-Goco’s Advocacy
Less Clutter for Every Mom’s Skincare Routine
A Skincare Gift Guide for Beauty-Loving Moms

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