
Every Kid Has A Gift We Need to Nurture and Nourish

Knowing that our kids are gifted isn’t hard; it’s finding what that gift is.

Filipino parents are quick to compare their kids to their relatives or even their friends, both consciously or subconsciously. Unfortunately, that kind of thing can beat our kids’ self-esteem. When other kids seem to do it so easily and our kids lag, we worry. But that worry sometimes goes overboard when we shove our kids into all these tutorials and classes when all they need is a shift in nutrition to help bring out their gift.

A group of child experts

The Struggle of the Pandemic Generation to Catch Up

A lot of kids whose formative years got affected by the pandemic have a great deal of catching up to do. It’s during those formative years that they also need a lot of nutrition to help their brains perform a specific process known as myelination. Myelination is kind of like how our earphone wires and cords need rubber wrapped around them to make sure we get quality music. The same goes for our kid’s brains. Their synapses need fats to create what they call the “myelin sheath” to make sure the brain’s neurochemicals go through the nerves properly.

Dr. Sean Deoni and Dr. Ryan Carvalho, both of whom were present during a recent Promil Event known as Gifted Together, explained the importance of myelination which occurs usually during our kids’ first five years of life. “An increase of +36% percent in myelin can lead to faster language development, together with proper nutrition and stimulation,” they share.

Celebrity mom Georgina Wilson also pointed out how important it was for parents to nurture their kids’ brains. “Each kid is a gift. With so many factors affecting our lives and health, we as parents need to be more proactive in learning these things.”

Georgina Wilson

Finding that gift isn’t easy, but nutrition is a good place to start.

A lot of times, insecurity can creep up on us parents when other kids seem to do amazing things and ours don’t. But that’s because we’re quick to compare and it’s an urge we need to suppress. Every kid has their own kind of gift and that’s because they are their own person. While giving our kids the time and space to find out what their gift is, we can give them the nutrition to keep them going. Besides, more food means more fuel for kids to explore. Maybe one day, they’ll surprise us with something new, too!

More about nutrition:

#BatangMatatag Movement Aims to Address Malnutrition
Family Nutrition in the New Normal According to a Doctor
Why Digestion Helps with Your Child’s Brain Development

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