
Why Growing Up With Cousins Is The Best Thing You Could Do For Your Kids

It’s like having an automatic best friend

If you grew up with cousins, you’d totally get why we think it’s the best thing we could do for our own children. It helps when they’re around the same age, too. Imagine: you get to hang out with your siblings and your kids get to have a playdate? It’s a win-win situation for all!

Psst..! While it’s a little bit tougher now that COVID-19‘s put a damper on most things, keeping it to groups of 5 is A-OK. Of course, social distancing rules apply. Read on to find out what else we love about raising kids with their cousins…

Why growing up with cousins is awesome for kids

1. They’ll have automatic best friends

Photography: @jerikaejercito via Instagram

You know that awkward moment at the playground hoping that another kid will talk to yours? With cousins, you don’t have to worry about that. They’re already in your kids’ life even before they meet other friends. Yup, they’ll always be together whether they like it or not.

2. Vacays are always more fun for them

Photography: @solenn via Instagram

Who needs a pool slide or a kids club when your kids’ got cousins around? Take it from us, they’ll probably forget their toys while they’re at it. Another bonus? Someone else to distract them during long long car or plane rides.

3. They’ll always have each other’s back

Photography: @jesskienle via Instagram

Another awesome thing about growing up with cousins? Your kids will grow up knowing someone’s always got their back. Sure, they might fight like crazy every now and then but at the end of the day, family is family and they’re stuck together for life.

4. They understand each other

Photography: @officialziongutz via Instagram

Because they’re from the same family, they “get” why the way they are. They can tease each other about looking or acting like a certain relative. Nobody knows it better than someone who’s in the same fam.

5. They’ll always tell each other the truth

Photography: @erwan via Instagram

Cousins will never be afraid to tell each other like it is. Besides, they have nothing to lose. They know that their cousin will always be there no matter what, even if the truth hurts.

6. They’ll always have amazing memories to look back on

Photography: @stephkienlegonzalez via Instagram

Having cousins arounds means they’ll be there for everything — the brief time your kid was into nudity, their first heartbreak, concert… Although looking back at the memories might be embarrassing for them, there’s no better person to share it with than the cousins who were there for it all.

There’s no doubt growing up with cousins will give your kids best friends for life. And yes, it’s one of the best things you could do for your kids.

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