Moms and Dads

Harvie and Eizza de Baron: An Essential Method

As advocates of healthy living and clean eating, Harvie and Eizza de Baron are setting an example for other families embracing wellness at a time of pandemic

Long known for the tried-and-tested Baron Method for health and wellness, Harvie and Eizza de Baron have altered their signature fitness regimen to suit life at a time of a pandemic. Like many others, the family found their travel plans derailed, and put on hold indefinitely. Changes to best-laid plans encouraged them to dig deep and find new ways to create shared experiences—all within the confines of their home and its immediate surroundings.

Working with ECQ

“During the first part of ECQ, we developed a routine where we would play with the kids in the morning. Between 3 to 4 pm was at-home swimming time. We also had a period where we would gather in the living room in the afternoon to organize snack packs for Grab riders and delivery personnel who service our home,” Eizza shares. The mother of three also used the time to teach her children how to bike. The pole fitness enthusiast also adds, “Our eight-year-old son also learned pole fitness involving callisthenic moves on the pole with this dad.”

To add to their growing list of activities, they also played badminton and “cops and robbers” within their village basketball court. With health and clean eating as a constant company, Harvey and Eizza utilized their time at home to nurture their passion—finding healthier choices and staying fit. “Fitness and health are two separate things,” she explains. “You can be fit, but actually unhealthy. We believe that we owe it to ourselves and our kids to be both, not just one or the other.”

Motivating Everyone

The couple motivates each other to stay fit in order to keep up with their kids. The goal, they say, is to stay self-sufficient and not burden their children with their health or well-being. This also informs the choice to constantly watch what they eat and put in the work to move.

Naturally, the children are inspired to lead the same lifestyle that their parents do. “Leading by example gives them no excuse to not eat healthy,” Eizza advises. “I remember a time when my son was in nursery and his classmates would bring their baon to him for inspection and approval (his teacher told us this).”

Eating to Live

To ensure the kids don’t feel deprived, the de Barons allow their children periodic cheat days, usually twice a month. There is also a provision each week for clean cheats. In true de Baron form, they are expected to eat and finish what’s on their plate and drink their requisite Baron Method Red and Green juices. This has been a habit instilled in the children since they were eight months old.

Harvie explains, “We also do not shield them too much from the realities of Covid-19. We’ve had our fair share of relatives stricken with the virus, my son even has classmates who’ve caught Covid-19 and were attending virtual classes whilst sick. Knowing that the virus is real, they also get to decide how to best protect themselves by eating healthily. We put a lot of emphasis on a strong immune system as the first line of defense for any ailment, pandemic or not.”

As seen on Modern Parenting: The 100 List Anniversary Print Issue available on OMG Newsstands on Lazada and Shopee. Digital copies are also available through Magzter, PressReader, Readly, and Zinio.

More stories to read? Here’s more!

Hindy Weber: How She Maintains Fitness at the Farm
Dara David Roa: Unlearning to Learn
Florabel Co Yatco: Gratitude In Her Recipes

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