Homeschooling Tips From Teachers: Add these to your list!
Parents, we totally feel you when you say you’re #sodone with homeschooling. But according to teachers everywhere, now’s the perfect time to start getting involved in your child’s schooling— which means you’ll need some nifty homeschooling tips. Sure, we may not have the crazy amounts of patience teachers do, but we are in charge of making sure our kids get the best education possible.
So, since we’ve fallen on new territory also known as homeschooling, we thought we’d hit up all our teacher friends to get some homeschooling tips on how to get our kids engaged and learning at home.
Here’s the best homeschooling tips from teachers to help you get through the pandemic:
Use the pandemic as an opportunity to see how your kids are learning and growing
The pandemic is is a great opportunity to see and witness how your kids are learning and growing. Take this extra time to bond with them, and also learn what they’re learning. Sure, there may be lots of challenging moments but it’s all part of school life! Remember to reach out to your child’s teacher if you need any advice—you’re all in this together!
Remind others to be “invisible”
Just like you need your peace and quiet while you’re doing your Zoom calls, your child also needs quiet in his or her dedicated learning space. As much as possible, ask the people in your household to be “invisible” in the background for support, or if you want to make sure they are safe online.
Establish a routine
Establish routines like waking up early, wearing their school uniform if necessary. Stick to the school’s schedule and follow the rules established by the school. This way, your kids will be reminded that they’re still in school and not just having fun at home.

Form an educational partnership with your child’s teacher
Reach out and communicate with the teachers. Treat your them as partners in your child’s educational journey so that there will be no power struggle and you can establish consistency when it comes to the rules. This is one homeschooling tip we really need in our arsenal!
Patience really is key!
When it comes to homeschooling, patience is key. Parents need to be patient with their kids, especially when they’re learning new concepts and patient with the teachers, who are just trying their best to maximize learning. Finally, parents need to be more tolerant of the whole pandemic homeschooling situation. Everyone is adjusting so there’s no need to expect perfection!
Don’t show your kids your frustrations about homeschooling
If you didn’t already know this, kids are like sponges, soaking up information and all the energy around them. The more we show our frustration about homeschooling, the more our kids will feel frustrated. Instead, of criticising the process, show them how open minded you are about this new normal. Be supportive!
Although schools in most countries have begun to reopen, we have no idea when our kids will sit in their classrooms or see their classmates IRL. Till then, we need to buckle up, embrace the new normal and follow these helpful homeschooling tips. You’ve got this!