Jess Wilson Announced Her Pregnancy with a Thoughtful Message
Sunnies Face co-founder and millennial It Girl, Jess Wilson, penned a thoughtful message on Instagram as she announced her pregnancy.
Pregnancy announcements are joyous and momentous occasions that mark the beginning of a remarkable journey into motherhood. But Sunnies Face co-founder, Jess Wilson, admits to putting off talking about her pregnancy publicly because of her own fears about being pregnant as well as being sensitive to those going through their individual paths to parenthood.
“It’s an emotional rollercoaster from the day you decide you’re ready to welcome a baby into your life,” she writes. “More than that, I know how triggering pregnancy announcement posts can be. How people online can make the whole process look so easy and effortless. Some get pregnant just like that, others take a bit longer. But it feels like no one is really talking about the whole thing. Seems like everyone’s just keeping the journey, most of the time a painful one, to themselves. Whether that’s to protect their emotions or because it’s just too taboo to talk about.”

The ups and downs of her pregnancy
She adds that effortlessness wasn’t the case for her and her husband, Moritz Gastl. “I remember the feeling of frustration and hopelessness. Although our experience wasn’t that long in hindsight, it was one that made me very emotional, feeling really down at times. We also went through some major ups and downs in my pregnancy that maybe I’ll share later on when I’m ready.”

Celebrating the beauty of life
In the same post, Jess Wilson thanked everyone for all the love and sweet messages. “Filled with so much joy to be able to celebrate this life growing in me with this online community. I’m currently Week 23 of this beautiful journey of growing our baby.”
She ended her thoughtful message by telling parents-to-be to stay hopeful. “I hope all the parents-to-be out there who are still on their journey to their baby stay hopeful. Stay positive and know that your baby will come to you at the right time. However hard that is to hear (and no matter how many times people ask you if you’re finally pregnant yet).”

Congratulations, Jess and Ritzo! There’s no doubt you’ll make amazing parents.
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