Johnny Depp’s Reason For Staying With Amber Heard Is A Wake-Up Call To All Of Us
Johnny Depp’s reason why he stayed in his marriage with Amber Heard is a big wake-up call to many of us.
“Why did I stay? I suppose because my father stayed. And I didn’t want to fail.” Those were the words of Johnny Depp when asked about the reason why he stayed with Amber Heard during the trial. His words are proof that kids do notice our behaviors and mimic them as they grow older. Just like how Depp’s father stayed in his abusive marriage with the late Betty Sue Palmer, Johnny decided to try working things out.
Kids learn not just by our words but by observing us
In a world where marriage is something we all need to work on, there are some that need a lot of re-evaluating. Because at this point, we’re not the only ones who take the fall. The kids do, too. Johnny Depp’s statement mentions his father’s “gentle demeanor” and how it made him a “good man”. He says, “To me, as a 5-year-old boy, I kept wondering, why does he take it? How does he take this? And why doesn’t he leave her? But he didn’t,” Depp added. “He was able to maintain his calm, and his composure. My father was able to maintain his relationship with his children. He is a good man.”
Unfortunately, that kind of stoicism served as the perfect base for Johnny Depp’s reason for staying with Amber Heard despite the abuse.
Abuse Doesn’t Just Destroy Us, But Everyone We Love
Being abused destroys our self-esteem and even our interpersonal relationships, especially with our kids. Johnny Depp’s relationship degraded with Lily-Rose and Jack Depp because Amber Heard needed him to “always be there for her needs”. He also mentioned that Lily-Rose didn’t come to his wedding with Amber because the two were already fighting.
A Wake-Up Call That Not Many Are Lucky To Receive
Sadly, not many women or men are able to receive that wake-up call to leave. Even for someone as famous as Johnny Depp, it took him years before he finally could. The worst was that it came with consequences that ultimately destroyed his career and other things. Many of us will try to find every plausible reason to stay just like Depp. But as parents, sometimes, all we need to do is look at our kids and the reason is there.
If we know someone who’s in an abusive marriage then, it’s time not to turn a blind eye to it. There’s a law that protects them against domestic abuse. It’s time we put it to use!
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