Looking for Juan’s New Book Teaches Kids Love and Acceptance
Let’s teach our kids about love and acceptance as Looking for Juan adds a new book called “I like wearing Rainbows” by Agay Llanera to their virtual library.

More than ever, we want our kids to understand the meaning of unconditional love and acceptance. With the pandemic embittering and disillusioning a lot of us, Looking for Juan is now sharing a lovely rainbow to light up these dark times. I Like Wearing Rainbows by Agay Llanera shares the story of a young boy who enjoys wearing his lola’s (grandmother’s) clothes. Written in both Tagalog and English, I Like Wearing Rainbows is a story that we can share with our kids to teach both languages, love, and acceptance.

Leaving the prejudices behind

When Agay Llanera started out, it was a short story about a simple artwork. The write-up won and Lui Manaig, a painter and strong advocate for LGBT rights, began working on the art. He explains, “I would like this to be a step towards starting the conversation at an early stage because kids need their parents to accept them. The parents should be the first. And I hope parents will also teach their kids kindness and inclusion, to be careful with their words and not judge those who are not like them.”
Although not originally planning to write a story, Agay found herself inspired by a dear friend who liked wearing bright dresses when he was small.
“I wanted something that wasn’t preachy but conveyed the message that children are allowed to experiment and break stereotypes. After all, dressing up, no matter what gender the kids have, is a form of play,” says Agay Llanera. “I hope that the next time they encounter a child who does or likes something outside the gender stereotype, they will not be quick to judge.”
Looking for that Juan rainbow on the virtual shelves

Looking for good books we can teach our kids with can be difficult especially with themes of unconditional love and acceptance. I Like Wearing Rainbows focuses on teaching both us parents and our kids what love is. It’s not only acceptance but knowing when to put our prejudices aside. Looking for Juan places the 48-page book on its virtual shelves with it being a part of the buy-1-donate-2 program to make sure every child has a chance to read.
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I Grew Up With A Gay Dad and I Couldn’t Be Prouder
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