3 Reasons Why Some Senior Citizens Insist On Working
There are some senior citizens who insist on working to prevent their minds from deteriorating.
A lot of companies would prefer younger employees since they are less likely to get sick. There has always been an existing bias against getting senior citizens or older adults as employees, with companies using the age-old adage: you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. However, there are many seniors that actively seek out work despite their age. Here’s why some senior citizens insist on working.
1. They fear that they will lose their minds.
There’s only so much one can do in a house and it can drive any person crazy despite having work to do at home. The pandemic is proof of that. But what more senior citizens who are often left unemployed? Many senior citizens often like doing crosswords, watching the news, taking up hobbies, or even continue trying to make money because they fear no longer being lucid.
Studies have also shown that having many mental activities can decrease the chances of senior citizens getting dementia.
2. Senior Citizens grew up in a time where work was highly praised.
Coming from a generation where doing nothing is akin to laziness, senior citizens will always insist on finding something to do or work on. It’s why our lolos and lolas love it when guests come over. It gives them something to do and someone to talk to. Granted, there will be some philosophical differences and debates. But, those are the conversations they always look forward to.
3. Physical activity allows them to delay certain risk factors.
Senior citizens are on the high-risk side of getting diabetes or heart problems—which are easily prevented by physical exercise. They don’t have to run a marathon or lift weights, however. Walking around is good enough for them. Even if it’s only for 15 minutes. Work also allows senior citizens to lower the chances of high blood pressure because their body is constantly burning the food they eat.

It may seem counterintuitive but it helps them more than you think!
Some of us already find it exhausting to go talk to senior citizens so, they’re often left at home, alone. Leaving them alone with almost nothing to do makes them more prone to depression and dementia, allowing their minds to rot due to lack of use. Some companies in certain places like KFC in Quezon City opened their doors to nanays, tatays, titos, titas, and senior citizens to find work in their company, giving them a chance to feel productive and wanted in society.
More about senior citizens:
6 Ways To Make Senior Citizens Feel Valued
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