Sara Black and Martin Camara: Welcoming Feliz
Sara Black and Martin Camara share intimate details of a beautiful home birth with their bundle of joy, Feliz
It was important to renowned photographer and meditation coach Sara Black and her partner, Martin Camara, that they both welcome their new daughter, Feliz, into an environment of love. “I wanted us to do it together to create the most loving environment to receive her,” says the meditation coach. After all, she adds, Feliz was created in love and so she needed to be birthed in love. From the onset, water birth felt like the only option for them.

“An incredible bonding experience”
The magical experience took 25 hours — from the time Sara’s water broke to the time her daughter arrived. The chosen name, which is Spanish for “joy,” aptly captures the experience of welcoming her into their lives. “It was an incredible bonding experience,” the new mom shares. “Martin never left my side and was with me for every contraction. And when it was time to bear down to let Feliz emerge, I clung to him and he was as solid as a rock. My rock.” Birth, like all things in life, throws in a few pleasant surprises. Although they had prepared and planned for a water birth, Sara actually birthed Felix standing. Powerful and primal, it was what needed to happen as divinely orchestrated.

Being present and in the moment
It helped that Martin was fully present every step of the way. He played a crucial role in preparing for the experience, reading the same birthing story to Sara every night. “I was physically, mentally and etherically connected to the process that when the time came, it was only natural to be 100% supportive,” the new father explains. Martin, who is one of the country’s premiere chiropractors, and CEO of Intercare, was hands-on when it came to providing his partner with prenatal spinal care. Sara explains, “The spinal, hip and neck adjustments did wonders, not just in keeping my lower back pain-free throughout my pregnancy. It also prepared my body for the birthing journey.”

Meditation as a Way of Life
Meditation, a way of life shared by both Sara and Martin, allowed them to stay present and calm. In fact, as Sara was giving birth she was in a deep meditative trance. Meals in their home were consistently clean and nutrient-dense. There was also always time and space allotted for mindful movement. As it did when they were anticipating the arrival of Feliz, both eager parents draw from these healthy habits to give their daughter boundless energy and love. Sara ends, “It serves me to always be full, then the overflow creates that space where I can be more loving to Feliz,” she intimates.
As seen on Modern Parenting: The 100 List Anniversary Print Issue available on OMG Newsstands on Lazada and Shopee. Digital copies are also available through Magzter, PressReader, Readly, and Zinio.
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