6 Things Parents Learn at Work That Can Be Applied at Home
There are so many things that parents learn at work, which more often than not, they’re able to also execute at home.
Modern moms and dads who juggle parenting and their careers know that these things they learned in the corporate world can also be applied at home. Not only does it keep the household in order, but it teaches the kids how to be responsible, independent, and organized, too. Check out some things that parents have learned at work that they execute in their respective homes as well.

1. Time Management
Time management is the ability to use time productively and efficiently. Parents who have been in the workforce for years have probably mastered the art of having time to do all their deliverables for the day. This essential life skill works at home, too. With proper time management, modern moms and dads are able to do everything on their household chore list while taking care of the kids.
2. Prioritization
Sometimes, parents need to choose their battles for the day. They can’t tick off all the tasks on their lists, and that’s okay! It’s all about prioritizing which ones are the most important. It applies both in the office and at home. The Queen of Organizing, Marie Kondo, couldn’t have said it better herself. “I am busier than ever after having my third child. So I have grown to accept that I cannot tidy every day—and that is okay!”
3. Delegating Tasks
This is especially true for moms who tend to pressure themselves to do everything. It’s okay to delegate tasks at home. For those with older children, you can even make an activity out of doing these tasks. For example, while you’re cooking, your child can start doing the dishes. Or if you’re doing the laundry, you can have them sort the dark clothes from the light ones. This serves as both a productive and bonding experience!
4. Scheduling Family Events
Many times, miscommunication in the family happens—particularly when there are events or when someone needs to use the car. To avoid this, make sure every family member uses a scheduling app like Google Calendar on their phones or tablets so that everyone is always aligned.
5. Outsourcing Help
Again, it’s okay to ask for help especially if you need it. Outsourcing help can be in the form of hiring a kasambahay, using a food delivery service if you’re too swamped or exhausted to prepare meals, or asking your in-laws to take care of the children for a few hours.
6. Planning Ahead
Planning ahead means you don’t have to worry so much about what will happen tomorrow or next week. It boosts productivity and lessens your stress. It even prepares you for the unexpected—allowing you to be flexible, too. One good practice you can start with the family is by sitting down together on a Sunday to plan the week ahead and align with everyone!

There are so many things that parents learn at work and in turn, these lessons and insights allow them to manage their homes and children better. From negotiating and communicating better to using their time efficiently, it’s a win-win for everyone!
Read more stories of what parents learn at work:
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