“When Yaya Becomes Family”: Camille Prats Celebrates Yaya Beng’s 50th Birthday
Camille Prats celebrates Yaya Beng’s, a person who has become part of the family, 50th birthday.
It’s rare to find household help who is loyal and will stay with you for years. And if we moms do ever find one, it’s like we’ve found our Golden Girl or Boy. And for Yaya Beng, who has served the Prats-Yambao family ever since Nathan was 2, Camille Prats is certain she struck gold with her. “We have been through so much ya, I truly thank God everyday for you,” the celebrity mom writes on her Instagram post.

When a Yaya truly bonds with the children, she becomes family.
We may sometimes become envious of the yaya who soon knows our children better than us but, it’s comforting to know that they have nothing but our children’s best interests at heart. It’s a blessing when we see our yayas buying toys for our kids with their own salary, genuinely interested in helping our kids grow by reading to them, and also offering some comfort to us moms who struggle with feelings of guilt when we try to do something for ourselves.
And although Camille Prats has VJ helping her, Yaya Beng’s 13-year-stay with the family is a blessing she holds close to her heart. “We are so grateful for you and your life ‘ya Beng, you are a blessing to us especially to our kids. We promise to take care of you and your family with God’s grace.”
Yaya Beng also received a cake and dinner from the Prats-Yambao family.
Yayas are part of the modern Filipino family too!

Especially when they bond with the kids, they become a regular part of the family. It’s obvious in the eyes of the kids when it lights up to see their yayas returning after a day off. Some yayas eventually devote their lives to the family they serve and bond with, being rewarded for their many years of service. Happy birthday to Yaya Beng and we’re happy for you, Camille, to find someone who loves your kids as much as you and VJ do.
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