
Holy Week Songs: 7 Songs to Listen and Reflect To

If you’re online, then listen to some of these Holy Week songs in the coming days to reflect and reinforce your spirituality.

Holy Week is the time of the year when people take time off from their busy schedules to reflect, pray, or spend time with families. While some opt to go out of town, there are those who stay at home to relax or just head to churches for Visita Inglesia. This year’s Holy Week will see people slowly returning to churches to pray and reflect. Some still choose to observe at home and listen to gospel songs as their way of observing the season. We rounded up 7 of the most popular mass and gospel songs to listen to in observance of the season.

7 Holy Week Songs

Lead Me Lord (Gary Valenciano version)

Lead Me Lord has been sung by many popular artists and is one of the most common songs sung during masses. Mr. Pure Energy Gary Valenciano recorded his own acoustic version at the height of the pandemic and dedicated it to the writer of the song, Arnel de Pano, who was a COVID-19 survivor.

I Will Wash Your Feet (Bukas Palad)

I Will Wash Your Feet is part of Bukas Palad’s album Behold The Cross. The song is part of a series of hymns that are performed during the Holy Week rites.

Anima Christi

One of the most popular songs performed during liturgical masses, the song has become regularly sung or listened to during Holy Week rites.

Tanging Yaman

Another favorite song is “Tanging Yaman” which is normally performed during the Communion portion of the mass. The song was also turned into a movie by Star Cinema.

One More Gift

Listening to the lyrics of the song, you’ll find yourself really praying because peace has become so rare in the world due to ongoing wars.

I Seek You For I Thirst

A very powerful song to reflect on in times of prayer.

I Will Sing Forever

One of the most well-known songs performed after the mass, I Will Sing Forever is a perfect song to greet the rise of the Lord on Easter Sunday.

Rest your mind with these Holy Week songs

As we take the time off to remember the sacrifices made by God this Holy Week, let us not forget to raise all our concerns to him and embrace his love even more.

Check out more stories on Modern Parenting

An Easy Holy Week Guide For Kids and Parents

7 Holy Week Activities For The Family To Do At Home

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