Moms and Dads

Like Father, Like Son Series: Edric and Elijah Mendoza

The musings of father and son duo, Edric and Elijah Mendoza, tell the story of their relationship and how it has changed over the years.

This story about Edric and Elijah Mendoza first came out in Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition available on

When dads have sons, it can entail a lot of pressure for them to ensure their children follow in their footsteps. Yet there are those who enjoy the journey of having to discover who their boys turn out to be as they take strides towards becoming men. Dad-and-son duo Edric and Elijah Mendoza have their unique dynamics with each other. But if there is one thing they share in common, it’s the ability to let their parent-child relationships change and evolve with the times. This father and son weigh in with Modern Parenting on how they navigate their growing relationship.

To read the full article, grab a copy of Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition. It’s available on Or you can download the e-Magazine from Readly or Press Reader.

Edric and Elijah Mendoza

MP: How has your relationship as father and son changed throughout the years?

Edric: Elijah is a man now so I have modified my parenting approach accordingly. Instead of a
“coach” giving instructions, checking on implementation, and effecting discipline along the way, I am more of a “consultant” where I give advice, and mostly in the form of questions that will have him think deeply and critically. His decisions that result from this will then be his own and will have consequently greater buy-in. He will also learn to deal with either the success or failure of said choices.

To read the full article, grab a copy of Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition. It’s available on Or you can download the e-Magazine from Readly or Press Reader.

MP: How would you describe your relationship and dynamic today?

Edric: In addition to what I shared above, because he is an adult, I can enjoy more things with him. Unfortunately, because he is in the U.S. for college, I am not able to spend as much time now. Another thing that has changed is that he is able to “reverse mentor” me by giving me advice now about various things, especially those that are his skill sets like tech. He also is able to honestly share areas that he thinks I can improve on as a dad (and as an overall person). This last part is honestly hard, but one of the
most powerful changes in our relationship.

To read the full article, grab a copy of Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition. It’s available on Or you can download the e-Magazine from Readly or Press Reader.

MP: Similarly, what were the things you were surprised to witness from your kid as he was growing up?

Edric: I was surprised to see how homeschooling shaped him in ways I never thought possible, primarily because I was not homeschooled in my growing years. I’ve seen the strength of his character and wise moral choices. I honestly made many foolish choices at his age. I’ve seen his academic brilliance because of how he could choose what to learn and when and where, and even how deep this learning could go. He loved learning. My learning journey was very structured and so the joy and richness of experiences does not compare.

To read the full article, grab a copy of Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition. It’s available on Or you can download the e-Magazine from Readly or Press Reader.

Edric and Elijah Mendoza

MP: What’s the most important or memorable lesson you’ve learned from your dad?

Elijah: One prominent lesson I’ve learned has been to love God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. This is an easy question to answer, actually. Dad is consistent about it in his life and he constantly, constantly reminds us.

To read the full article, grab a copy of Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition. It’s available on Or you can download the e-Magazine from Readly or Press Reader.

MP: What’s one thing being a dad to a growing son taught you?

Edric: One thing is tough. I think my parenting journey as a whole has been one of my life’s greatest learning experiences. But if I were to whittle it down to only one, from my journey with Elijah, it will have to be humility. Because he is our first [of six], there were many things I did that I had to figure out and discover in raising him. He was like our “start-up” venture in parenting, if you will.

To read the full article, grab a copy of Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition. It’s available on Or you can download the e-Magazine from Readly or Press Reader.

More about Edric Mendoza or fatherhood:

10 Relatable Fatherhood Moments in Fast X
Joy and Edric Mendoza: How Apologizing to Your Kids is Important
Joy and Edric Mendoza on Raising Different Kids in the Digital Age

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