Moms and Dads

Morning Sickness Woes: Tips You Can Follow According to Moms

Morning sickness can be one of the biggest challenges that pregnant women experience. So, we asked moms how they dealt with theirs!

The first trimester can be one of the most difficult and critical periods during pregnancy. Aside from the baby’s body structure and organ systems developing, your body goes through major changes. On top of that, the first trimester is usually when morning sickness occurs. And despite its name, it s can actually strike any time of the day or night!

Morning sickness is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. It’s rare that it progresses to a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum—when nausea and vomiting become so severe, it causes dehydration or weight loss. If you think you have this, make sure to consult with your doctor right away.

Since morning sickness is so common among pregnant women, we asked moms for tips on how they were able to manage theirs. Here’s what they had to say!

Tips from Moms to Help Manage Morning Sickness

1. Chew on ice chips or suck on an ice cube

Most moms swear by this. Aside from keeping you hydrated, the cold provides short-term relief and can ease nausea.

2. Drink ginger tea

Ginger tea is another home remedy that can help alleviate both nausea and vomiting. It’s generally considered safe to drink up to four cups a day while pregnant.

3. Avoid triggers

While there’s no way to completely prevent morning sickness, avoiding triggers like strong odors, excessive fatigue, spicy food, and food that’s high in sugar can help.

4. Eat citrus fruits

For some pregnant women, eating citrus fruits like oranges help with nausea. Additionally, it can give your immune system a boost and help your baby’s bones grow properly. However, if you’re prone to hyperacidity, which some pregnant women also experience, you might need to watch your citrus consumption.

5. Snack often

morning sickness

Instead of eating three big meals a day, try breaking it down into smaller, frequent meals throughout the day. This way, your stomach doesn’t get too full. You can nibble on bland food like crackers, toast, apples, or bananas.

6. Take your prenatal vitamins with a snack or before bed

A lot of moms shared that their prenatal vitamins were one of their biggest morning sickness triggers. If your prenatal vitamins make you feel queasy, try taking them with a snack or before going to sleep. But if these steps don’t help, check with your doctor on other ways you can get the vitamins you need during pregnancy.

7. Breathe in fresh air

For some moms, it helps to open the windows of their homes or workplaces. You can also try walking outdoors daily for some fresh air! This way, you get to exercise as well.

8. Aromatherapy through essential oils

Though there are few studies about this, some women have shared that certain essential oil scents help them deal with morning sickness. You can try peppermint, orange, or lavender to see if these work for you!

Managing Your Morning Sickness

Mild nausea and vomiting during pregnancy won’t cause any complications to you or your baby. With the tips listed above, we hope it helps alleviate your symptoms! And on the more difficult days when you can’t seem to part from the toilet bowl, just remind yourself to take it one day at a time. Usually, it’ll go away by the second trimester. Have a safe pregnancy journey, mommy!

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