
Period Pain: “It’s not just hormones!”

While not every woman experiences periods the same way, all the feelings and thoughts about it are the same: it can be horribly crippling!

“Your hormones are talking” or “It’s just your hormones” — if women, both moms and daughters alike, earned money for every time someone told her that while she was on her period, she’d be a millionaire. Besides, let’s be honest — it also sounds very dismissive.

Many seem to forget that hormones control everything in the human body. From sleeping patterns, and appetite, to even the amount of energy the body uses, they retain a particular balance to ensure a person can get through the day. But when a woman is on her period, hormonal imbalance usually happens. Unfortunately, it’s not something women can just drink water to flush out and call it a day. This can last for five to seven days, differing from woman to woman, and that’s assuming she doesn’t have any pre-existing conditions such as endometriosis, adenomyosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and other period-related issues.

The damage periods can do

The common one people hear about and probably underestimate the most is menstrual cramps or dysmenorrhea. However, the levels of pain vary. There are days the cramps are bearable but there are also those days wherein dying sounds a lot better than the former. Unlike muscle cramps, period cramps don’t go away even if women lie down and sit still. Sure, there’s a bit of alleviation with the trusty hot water bottle, weighted blanket, and pillow but the pain lingers. But women can’t bring those things everywhere! They need their hands free and so most of the time, it’s sheer willpower that gets them through the day and sometimes, with a little help from a painkiller like Hyoscine N-butylbromide + Paracetamol (Buscopan Venus).

Of course, with half the brain already trying to manage the pain, it’s another story altogether to make sense of the accompanying emotions. Hormones also control emotions, especially during stressful situations. But periods, because of the imbalance, often come with a side order of extreme moodiness along with physical pain and fatigue which make it difficult to make rational decisions; sometimes, this can even happen before the monthly visit, referred to as Premenstrual Syndrome.

On regular days, little things like a misaligned shoe or a car commercial wouldn’t be any cause for concern. Unfortunately, periods make anything and everything feel like a hair trigger, especially with the ongoing five to seven-day-long pain management and fluctuating emotions. At least with the combination of Hyoscine N-butylbromide and Paracetamol in Buscopan Venus which is specifically formulated to deal with menstrual cramps, the pain becomes the least of a woman’s period problems in fifteen minutes or so. 

One less period problem to deal with

Since periods cause a lot of problems, it teaches women to always keep the metaphorical candy store in her handy-dandy bag. From topical to pills, she’s got it all. Although, making a medical cocktail out of all those painkillers doesn’t always address the root of the issue, just the surface. Even then, because of all the pills ingested, there’s no knowing which one actually helped deal with the problem. At least with the dual relief formula of Hyoscine N-butylbromide + Paracetamol (Buscopan Venus), dysmenorrhea will become less of a problem and one less period problem to deal with is better than none. However, should the pain persist, best to consult an OB-Gynecologist. 

More about periods and pains?

Period Brain Fog is Real: How To Deal With It
How Menstrual Pants Are the Answer to All Our Period Problems
Moms to their daughters: “We need to talk PERIOD”

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