How To Be A Good Pet Parent: Expert Tips
Are you ready to be a pet parent? It’s a bigger responsibility than you think. Dog expert Manny Alarilla shares what you need to know about pet parenting
Pets — puppies and kittens especially — are probably the most irresistible creatures there are on this planet. Both kids and adults go gaga for them; they’re just so darn cute. Thinking about adopting a dog for your child’s Christmas or birthday present? Dog expert and Luxuripets’ managing director Manny Alarilla gives us the full lowdown on how to be good pet parents:
The furocious dog expert
Having spent many years in Europe for his studies in Oxford University, the American University of Rome and Sapienza University of Rome, Manny’s love for animals brought him to the European pet show scene. “For 10 years, I showed dogs and cats, and that’s how I acquired best practices on how to care for them from the best breeders all over the world,” quips Manny.
Together with Dr. Z Teo, Manny has been busy with the ever-growing demands of Luxuripets, a newly founded one-stop pet shop that offers veterinary, grooming services and top of the line supplies for our furbabies. These days, he is also busy tending to the majestic members of the Z Giant Poodles family.
For all things dogs, we asked this pet expert and dog whisperer for some tips and advice we can give to all the pet parents out there, especially those who have (or are considering) dogs.

Think you want a dog?
Size matters
The basic rule of thumb is big dogs need big spaces and small dogs are better for smaller spaces.
Pets ain’t cheap
On top of your existing household budget, add on additional expenses for dog food, vitamins, grooming, vet services (monthly checkup, shots, tick and flea drops) and emergency funds.
Human kids
If you have kids, remember that smaller dogs are not always suitable for smaller kids. Research the breed of the dog you are considering and make sure it is child-friendly. Make sure there is enough love and attention to go around because the human baby and the fur baby will both need it.
Some dogs produce less dander which makes them “hypoallergenic” but for kids with pet allergies, any dog will cause flare-ups because of the simple fact that they all produce dander.
A dog that’s raised with a loving and attentive family will be a great family dog. It will show up in the temperament of their future puppies too. It is so important to know the history of the puppy you are going to adopt, so make sure you go to a reputable breeder or person that you know.

They will grow
Remember that puppies will not always be tiny and cute. They will get bigger. Even smaller breeds will change physically as they grow older. Owning a pet is truly a lifetime commitment, not a novelty.
Preparation is key
Make sure that all family members and household staff understand their duties and responsibilities. If there are kids and other pets in your home, they need to be prepared as well. Research and consultation with experts is key. Everyone has to be onboard with the new addition to the family.
You can always teach old dogs new tricks

Ideally, puppy training should start at 2 months old, but don’t fret becaus you can always train older dogs. Here’s how:
- Never train for more than 30 minutes.
- Reward them with treats every time they obey commands. Give them a hug and praise them for a job well-done.
- Training takes patience and time. It is a repetitive process.
- There is no such thing as an untrainable dog; only pet owners who don’t have patience, drive and time.
As responsible pet owners, we owe it to our dogs to ensure they can function to make our lives, and theirs much easier.
For inquiries and appointments, visit @luxuripets on IG or call (0995) 022-0609.
To follow the adventures of the giant poodles, visit @zgiantpoodles on IG.
Do you love pets? Check out this article for more paw-someness!