PH Celebrities who remind our Daughters that they can be “Flat and Proud”
These PH celebrities remind our daughters are more than just their boobs.
Sometimes, our daughters can feel insecure especially about their boobs. Even with people spreading “body positivity“, there are still some out there that continue that outdated way of thinking. Worse, it sometimes comes out on social media which means there’s a receipt. But these PH celebrities showed us and our daughters that it’s okay to be “flat and proud” with these amazing clap-backs against their haters.
1. Julia Barretto (@juliabarretto)

Crowned by netizens as the “Queen of the Flat-Chested Community”, Julia Barretto embraced her title last May 14, 2019, in an interview with Boy Abunda. The actress and owner of The Juju Club continues to share self-love and confidence in her body with her Instagram posts, hoping to spread good juju wherever she goes. Despite the haters nitpicking about her boobs, she shows our daughters her grace in the best way possible: just ignoring them.
2. Alex Gonzaga-Morada (@cathygonzaga)

Sometimes, our daughters might be tempted to get their boobs enhanced. But Alex Gonzaga-Morada proved that boobs don’t need to be enhanced. Alex clapped back with humor when she received a collaboration inquiry from a plastic surgery company in Korea last July 2019. The 34-year-old actress and vlogger not only declined the offer but laughed at the idea, probably out of confusion in wondering how an inquiry like that came from Korea.
3. Lovi Poe (@lovipoe)

If our daughters feel that their “boobs” are not enough, they’ll do everything they can to redirect the attention. But Lovi Poe shows that being flat-chested doesn’t mean their boobs are not enough. The ABS-CBN actress showcased a lace top that clearly showed her being flat-chested with her caption reading, “I am Lovi Poe. If there’s one fabric I could wear forever it would be lace and I am also an advocate of self-love. Yes, I am flat and proud.😂😉♥️ #LoviYourBody“
4. Maureen Wroblewritz (@mauwrob)

ICANSERVE Ambassador and former Miss U 2021 runner-up Maureen Wroblewritz expressed how happy she is that she no longer lets comments about her being flat-chested get to her. When a netizen threw shade about her being flat, Maureen replied coolly, “idk, can’t have everything in life.” She then took to Twitter to remind the rest of the netizen community of how they should be careful on what comments they throw out especially about women’s bodies.
Time for Our Daughters to Slay too
Our daughters are born in a time when each of their moves and looks suffers more scrutiny. Social media grants a lot of these haters the feeling that they’re invincible, that they can’t be held accountable for what they say. However, that’s where we moms can step in. Our job is to make sure that those haters don’t remove our girls’ abilities to slay. Just like how these celebrities slew those haters in the comments about being flat, so can our daughters.
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