Raising Resilient Kids By Raising Their Frequencies
Self-Love Solutions (SLS) teacher Lei Sta. Maria shares how and why teaching our children how to raise their energetic frequencies can help them grow up to be happy, confident, and resilient.
This story written by Lei Sta. Maria about how to raise resilient kids first came out in Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition available on https://sarisari.shopping/.
If we type the word ‘resilient’ in a search bar, millions of results would come up in less than a second. A wide array of articles, videos, studies, memes, and images are available. Recovering or bouncing back after a challenge or a difficulty is one of the most popular definitions of being resilient. Being resilient also comes with a plethora of characteristics, descriptions, adjectives, and even action words.
So how do we teach our kids to be resilient? We simply teach them how to raise their frequencies! When our frequencies are raised, we reach a point wherein we are in control of our lives through self-nurturing, self-acceptance, and self-sovereignty. It sounds overwhelming and complicated, but don’t fret. Here are 10 ways how to raise one’s own frequencies. These are tried and tested practices meant to benefit kids, parents, and just about anyone.

1. Learn how to take care of yourselves.
Knowing that you have the power to do this makes you accountable for your own well-being and that in itself is empowering. Teaching your kids the value of being gentle on themselves can lead to self-assurance and confidence. Show them how to recognize and honor what their body, mind and spirit need right here, right now.
2. Understand that self-love is not selfish.
Kids are naturally overflowing with love, but the older they get, this love starts to dwindle because they fall prey to insecurities, fears, doubts. People can love better when they fully love themselves. Teach your kids to always choose ‘them’ even if it means cutting cords. It takes courage and practice, but it all begins with the belief that we deserve to be happy, to love, and be loved. Do you love yourself?
3. Know when to start, stop, and continue.
Include your kids when choosing what to surround your families with – this can apply to things, people, routines, etc. This teaches your kids the importance of decluttering and letting go of what no longer vibes or connects with them. It shows them they can get rid of what doesn’t work, continuing what does, and the beauty of starting over.
4. Be your own superhero.
Include your kids when choosing. There is so much power in believing in oneself. Imagine raising kids who believe in themselves, who know they are capable and worthy. Magnify what your kids are already blessed with, nurture their talents, care to know, and talk about their dreams and goals. What makes them special? These are their superpowers, and this will also lead to their independence.
5. Pay attention to your thoughts and your words.
Your thoughts and your words become your beliefs, and eventually, your reality. Words—whether said, heard or read – are powerful. Teach your kids that what they tell themselves is important and the stories they tell themselves can manifest. What do they want to hear that will help them believe in themselves? Affirm them everyday.
6. Repeat after me: I am enough, I am worthy; I am magnificent.
As kids learn that words have power, choose the words that will empower them. Practice positive affirmations together, and eventually, they can do this on their own. What’s important is to impart this knowledge and practice to your kids so they can experience its benefits. This will eventually become their reality.

7. Be authentic
Let your kids be kids. Let your kids be comfortable enough to show you who they really are. This is authenticity and no one should ever be ashamed to be real – even if it means being different and unique. As children, you may have been conditioned and trained to be a certain way that you’ve forgotten what you really want for yourself or how to genuinely express yourself. Teach your kids that being authentic starts with self-acceptance.
8. Practice the attitude of gratitude.
There is always something to be grateful for, failures and challenges, included. Why? Because learning from them can end up becoming positive experiences too! Teach your kids the importance of perspective and looking at the big picture! When you practice an attitude of gratitude, it is a surefire way to raise your frequencies and you will find that it will become easier to bounce back. What are you grateful for today?
9. Keep Dreaming
Encourage your kids to keep dreaming. Remind them that they are worthy of the biggest of dreams because they have the power to make them come true. Dream with your kids even if you don’t understand or agree with them. Dreams are seeds planted in their hearts, and it will lead them to their purpose. Create a space where your kids can feel comfortable and safe to share their heart’s truest desires.
10. Create your own happiness.
Your happiness doesn’t have to be a specific destination nor should it depend on one person or a set of experiences. No one is responsible for your happiness but yourself. As kids, we found happiness in the simplest of things until we were taught not to settle for little things. Emphasize to your kids that the source of their happiness can be from anything – big or small. It doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t ever feel sad but knowing that they have the power to seek and find happiness in anything immediately raises their vibrational energies. Sing, dance, run around, whatever it may be, honor their feelings and support whatever soothes them and gives them joy.

What makes kids resilient?
These ten practices sound easier said than done simply because how do you teach something you don’t practice or follow? While empowering our kids to be resilient with these tools, I urge parents out there to please try it out for yourselves, too. These are not quick-fixes but it will definitely help you power through all the different experiences you’re going through in your lives.
Knowing how and when to raise our frequencies allows our own light to shine without diminishing others’. When we raise our frequencies, we are given renewed energy to overcome, the chance to honor ourselves and how we are feeling, and the opportunity to learn and bounce back. Only then can we be resilient against life’s challenges and live our lives to the fullest.
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