10 Things That All Daddy’s Girls May Relate To
Being a daddy’s girl has both its perks and its quirks.
Dads love their daughters so much that it’s no surprise the term “daddy’s girl” has been coined to describe the depth of their relationship. Girl dads take it upon themselves to set the standard and jokingly (or unjokingly) declare that “no man is worthy of their little girl.” But from the viewpoint of the daughter, it does grant a series of perks and quirks that can confuse those who are still attributing gender to certain behaviors.

1. Having more male friends than female ones.
Sometimes, having a strong relationship with a dad makes a daughter more comfortable hanging out with the opposite sex than those of the same. Moms may find it a little confusing, especially when trying to teach their daughters how to act like a lady. A common question a mom may raise to a daughter like this is, “Don’t you have more friends who are girls?”
Hilariously, the question ends up being answered with another male friend showing up, and the daughter high-fives them while greeting them with a “Sup, bro?” instead of the usual “Hi!” Moms unfortunately are left to sigh in resignation when that happens.
2. You may be told that you have a “masculine” way of talking.
Apparently, there is. It sometimes comes out in the way they swear, curse, insult, or threaten people. Women are usually taught to handle these kinds of things with a classy kind of savage. Men have been conditioned that it’s better to be direct.
3. Skincare may be confusing.
Unless dads have a complex skincare routine like moms, skincare may seem alien to daddy’s girls. Because skincare somehow was exclusively advertised to women, dads still might be subscribing to just soap and hot water. Toner, micellar water, foundation, concealer — what’s that?
4. We’re not afraid to eat.
Something most people notice is that women don’t eat as much as men do. Some may say it’s a metabolic difference but, some say it’s out of shame. Conservatives are quick to shame women for eating a lot but daddy’s girls don’t care. Food is food. It would be wise not to get in between them and a party-sized pizza that they can finish, alone.
5. Pragmatic > Trendy
Because men have a limited selection of clothing styles, daddy’s girls grew up thinking that way, too. Some prefer using ruffles, fluffy skirts, capes, high heels, and all sorts of other fashionable designs. But some daddy’s girls find it strange and subscribe to something more pragmatic like simply tossing on a t-shirt, jeans, and rubber shoes.
6. Getting into arguments with mom a little more frequently.
Usually, this is because of a clash of personalities and thinking patterns. While some moms are all about detail, dads are more on doing everything in one fell swoop. It’s also a struggle for some of daddy’s girls to understand their moms because sometimes, they fail to see what she’s freaking out about when somehow dad’s being completely calm about it.
7. Dad may sometimes be the translator for mom.
In relation to #6, they struggle to understand their moms so dads have to be the ones to explain why mom is freaking out. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. But it helps nonetheless especially when things begin to escalate.
8. Unfortunately for moms, dad is the first one that daddy’s girls will always call.
Daddy’s girls are aware that their moms will raise hell if they find out they messed up. So, it’s usually dad with who they feel they have a closer relationship—to the point that they’ll call dad first when things go south. They need to rehearse what to tell mom by telling dad what they’re going to say so they know what to expect.
9. You’re kind of the son.
Dads bond with their kids by sharing their hobbies and as daddy’s girls, they usually are the ones with who he shares it. Some of them may find their peers staring at them strangely when they’re more interested in model kits, firing ranges, and maybe action movies.
10. In the context of dating, he’s probably the one who will judge your date the harshest.
Unfortunately, being a daddy’s girl means they’re also aware of what he expects in a fellow man. While moms have their own way of testing the potential of a date, dads are the ones who will suddenly say that they have guns that they want to test on the poor guy. No guy is ever going to be good enough, unfortunately.

Being a daddy’s girl has its pros and cons.
Daddy’s girls may get along more with their dads but it doesn’t mean they love their moms any less. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of communication and empathy to see from the mom’s point of view. There are times the details that moms freak out about do matter. And when dad says “Ask mom,” do take it seriously because there are just some things that moms know better than dads.
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