12 Girl Dads and the Lessons They Wish to Impart to Their Daughters
These girl dads are definitely empowering their young daughters!
Girl dads recognize the importance of raising strong, independent women. They also know there are stigmas, stereotypes, and inequalities that stand in the way of their daughters. So it’s their job to help knock them down and create a better, safer place for their little girls. We asked several girl dads how they want their daughters to grow up and the valuable lessons they wish to impart. Here’s what they had to say!
Lessons from These Girl Dads
1. Mias Posadas

“If there is one lesson I would like to impart to each of my daughters, it would be that you are worth your dreams. So never settle for anything less than them! I’d like them to truly believe that they can achieve anything—their dream life, their dream partner, their dream career. And that they should always strive towards them while resisting the easy path.”
2. Dr. Mark Edmon Tan

“As a girl dad, my wish is for Summer and Noelle to learn that setbacks are part of success. Once they change their perspective, they will recognize that failing and learning to win are the same.”
3. John Ramos

“The three lessons I’d like to share with Gia are: 1. you can be whatever you want to be and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise, 2. it’s okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them, and 3. the world is already a cruel place so don’t forget to be kind.”
4. Miguel Bitanga

“Among the many lessons I’d like to impart to my daughter, the most important would be to always listen to her mother. When in doubt about matters that carry huge personal or moral significance, a good trick is to ask yourself, ‘What would my mom think of me?’ She is that voice in your head that others call ‘conscience’.”
5. Marc Enriquez

“Being a girl dad is definitely one of the most heartwarming experiences of my life. The way my baby, Maddie, looks at me melts my heart. It’s a bonus that she’s a very bungisngis baby because she loves to giggle and smile! One lesson that I wish to impart to Maddie is to remember that family always comes first. I grew up in a household where we prioritize family over anything. Through the good and bad times, her family will always have her back.”
6. Jed Tan

“Having a family is one of the greatest blessings in life and having twin daughters is an even greater blessing. No matter where life takes them, no matter how hard times get—I hope they always remember that they have a family to go home to. A family that unconditionally loves them for all they are.”
7. Fernando Zaldarriaga

“One lesson I would like to teach Marti is how to fend for herself and be independent. Being a father to a daughter makes me think of things like, ‘How do I care for her? How do I protect her? And worse, what about boys?!’ I forget that she is more than capable and definitely has the ability to become a strong and independent lady.”
8. Cayo Fragada

“One life lesson I would like Cambria to take with her as she grows up would be to always enjoy the little things. These can be routine activities or even just enjoying a small win. Because sometimes, it’s these little things that people take for granted. But I believe these would make Cambria appreciate life more. And I hope these simple things keep her happy and content as she goes through life’s journey.”
9. Nate Go

“If there’s one lesson I’d like my twin daughters to always remember growing up, it’s finding your passion and happiness. And I’ll always be right behind them.”
10. Reno Gatan

“As someone who enjoys comedy and believes in not taking life too seriously, I love the life lessons of Phil Dunphy in his book, Phil’s osophy. I hope Kara always remembers, ‘When life gives you lemonade, make lemons. Life will be all like, ‘What?!’”
11. Chris Chua

“Never be afraid to try and (potentially) fail in anything. Failure is the best teacher in life. Always strive to be the best and happiest version of Cadence that you can be—no limitations ever.”
12. Dax Garcia

“People say experience is the best teacher but for me, it’s wisdom. Wisdom is not only being able to learn from your own mistakes and experiences, but also from the mistakes and experiences of the people you meet. As parents, we’re here to impart everything we know. As Piper grows older, she’ll continue learning and bringing with her what she’s learned from school, from her friends, and from her peers—and continue to build on it as she experiences her own successes and failures. We’re just here to guide her but at the end of the day, she has to make her own decisions and create her own path.”
These girl dads are working to make the world a better place for their daughters.
There’s something truly special about the bond between a father and a daughter. In fact, a daughter’s relationship with her dad can play a vital role in her psychological development. When dads are more present in their daughters’ lives, they grow up with a healthy sense of who they are. They become more confident and self-assured. Moreover, they tend to have a clearer understanding of what they want in life. Cheers to all the girl dads doing their best to make the world a better place for their daughters!
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