Real Talk

Why International Day of the Girl is Celebrated

October 11 is International Day of the Girl. And it aims to push for rights of young girls worldwide.

Every year, the International Day of the Girl is observed worldwide. It gives a platform and pushes for the rights of young girls. In a time wherein women’s rights are continued to be challenged — most notably maternal health, education, and gender equality — it’s important to empower young girls of their rights.

The story behind International Day of the Girl

The International Day of the Girl was formally observed in 2011. The United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 66/170 declaring October 11 as International Day of the Girl Child, recognizing the rights of girls and the challenges brought upon them.

By celebrating the International Day of the Girl, it focuses on their basic rights. Most especially the challenges they face as they grow up to become women.

“An investment in realizing the power of adolescent girls upholds their rights today and promises a more equitable and prosperous future. One in which half of humanity is an equal partner in solving the problems of climate change, political conflict, economic growth, disease prevention, and global sustainability,” the United Nations said.

Girls worldwide have been breaking glass ceilings, stereotypes, and exclusions thrown at them. Even girls with disabilities continue to challenge the status quo with some become entrepreneurs and leaders in their communities.

Why International Day of the Girl is Celebrated

We celebrate International Day of the Girl worldwide

UNICEF is one of several organizations promoting the rights of girls through their various activities in their chapters worldwide.

Spark Philippines, a non-government organization which has championed gender equality, is also active with various activities from talks to exhibits.

Moreover, sports has become an integral part of the rights of girls. The NBA has been active in promoting Her Time to Play. This is a project with the WNBA in harnessing a girl’s talent in playing basketball.

In addition, international groups are working non-stop to protect girls from various violations including human rights and human trafficking.

Parents can empower young girls

Parents are every girl’s first teachers. It’s your responsibility to make your daughters feel their importance as they grow up in society. Motivate and encourage them in their ambition, too!

Never get in their way or force your dreams for them. Giving them the space to make mistakes is part of the process. And most importantly, shower them with the love they need as they forge their purpose in society.

Here are more stories of empowered women:

Nathalie Africa-Verceles: Feminism in PH Parenting
Cathy Binag Is One Strong Woman And Here’s Why
WATCH: In New Black Panther Trailer, The Women Shall Rise

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