All Moms Deserve a Freshly Baked Cookie
A freshly baked cookie always brightens up our days.
Coffee, a sardine sandwich, or bottled goodies will always be our soul food. But a freshly baked cookie hits us differently in three various ways. That fresh smell as it comes out of the oven, the gooey chocolate goodness as we break it apart, and finally, that warm feeling that explodes in the mouth after we take a bite. Twenty Four Bakeshop celebrates its third birthday with a movie viewing of Avatar to enjoy some cookies and coffee.

Warm and fuzzy with cookies
Cookies always serve as a form of comfort food for moms. Sometimes, it would even be a peace offering if a fight occurred. Because let’s face it, it’s not easy to apologize outright. With tensions high, cookies easily bridge the gap and soothe the angry beasts inside us. It’s not so easy to be mad when our kids and partners know they did something wrong and thus, buy us some cookies to make us feel better!
Therefore, as Twenty Four Bakeshop turns 3, they’ll be offering a promo for their cookies. Stay tuned to their Instagram for more details!

Dear kids and partners, cookies are one way to a mom’s heart!
A lot of times when moms are mad, we’re simply hangry. We often don’t eat and many of us grew up with the Asian way of apologizing — which is through food. While fruits are a common peace offering, some of us would prefer freshly baked cookies. Twenty Four Bakeshop has multiple branches such as the ones in Podium, One Bonifacio High Street, and Estancia Mall if you’re looking for an immediate peace offering.
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