
Art Attack Returns With A New Host!

It looks like kids will experience Art Attack just like their parents did — but with a new host!

90’s kids who are parents now are probably jumping with joy and nostalgia as another classic show is getting a reboot: Art Attack! While many of us grew up with Neil Buchanan, the British Arts and Crafts reality show revealed a new host — Romesh Ranganathan who also grew up with 90’s series.

“It will be something of a departure for Ranga Bee however as they tend to make comedy shows, usually starring their owner, Mr. Ranganathan, himself,” revealed a source during the interview with The Sun.

Source: The Sun

What we love about Art Attack

Many of us probably spent our afternoons munching on our favorite snacks while watching Art Attack on Disney. It was like an art class with a bubbly instructor and probably where some of us learned what a British accent sounded like.

Usually, art videos on YouTube are sped up without much instruction. Plus, it’s usually one art work with some artists being not too engaging. Art Attack inspired kids from the 90’s with Neil featuring around 3-5 artworks in an episode, with each show marked by a large flat-lay artwork using industrial-grade materials. He often made paper machié, teaching us how to make things like PVA glue (Elmer’s Glue + Water) while using other materials to serve as the skeleton.

His show was every parent’s favorite on-air art class in the day because he showed no just crafts but painting as well. He taught kids how to be resourceful when Photoshop and digital art was still just a distant dream.

What else do we know about the new Art Attack?

According to Ranga Bee — the company now producing Art Attack, Romesh is tailoring Art Attack to something more for “this generation.” So we’re expecting possibly more advanced tools that the 90’s kids didn’t have in the day to expedite the craft’s creation. And considering how Europe has been pushing families to adopt a more circular and sustainable lifestyle, the episodes may also focus on those concepts.

The studio revealed that Art Attack may make its way to Children’s BBC — one of Britain’s major networks. Its filming is allegedly slated to start next month, hinting that the pilot episode may start airing next year.

Its return after 17 years is a delight with the show coincidentally running for 17 years as well — from 1997 to 2007.

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