Gift of Levi Hopes to Shed Light to Infant Mortality
The project started by Rachel Kelly Davis and the Rotary Club of Makati hopes to bring awareness to infant mortality and babies at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Talking about infant mortality or losing a baby can be devastating for families especially mothers. It gets more stressful especially when they have to think about burial costing and other expenses.

Rachel Kelly Davis found herself thinking about it after her son Levi was born prematurely at 27 weeks. Knowing a lot of moms are not as lucky as her, Rachel together with the Rotary Club of Makati formed a project called Gift of Levi, which aims to shed more light on infant mortality and the needs of NICUS in the country.

Raising funds and donating dresses
In 2021, the project was able to work with the Philippine General Hospital and donate around 90 pieces of dresses for their NICU unit.
“We hope to be able to provide the PGH NICU with the right number of burial gowns, counseling, and funeral cost donation this 2022,” Rachel said. “But to do that we need more donations, donations for the funeral cost, and fabric or wedding gowns.”

The dresses were made from fabrics of old wedding gowns. The Gift of Levi is open to accepting dresses and gowns people can part with and turn them into baby dresses that will be given to the NICUs of hospitals they will be working with.
Aside from the dresses, the project is also active in raising funds to help families with burial expenses.

Helping families
Losing a baby is not easy for any family. They are after all a precious gift. But they become inspirations for families to know more about their purpose in the world and become the guiding light in their darkest times. Gift of Levi is just one of the many projects that can also start discussions in infant mortality, which sometimes is ignored in the country.

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