Join the Boozy Fest for a Parents’ Night Off!
Boozy Fest: Fusion of Flavors is holding a variety of masterclasses to help make the most of our drinking sessions.

When we’re all burned out from every homeschool requirement and managing the house, we’re going to want to do something that adults can enjoy. After all, we’re exhausted from watching every Blippi or Cocomelon episode with our kids over and over again. So, it’s time we try out something for ourselves. Boozy is holding Boozy Fest: Fusion of Flavors this coming November 17, 2021. And just in time, too, because we’re in real need of a break.
Taking our palettes to the next level

We’re probably well-versed with every snack in the cabinet. From burgers to popcorn, the Boozy Fest: Fusion of Flavors will be offering masterclasses from November 17 to November 20, 2021, on how we can pair our favorite snack with our favorite booze. It’s definitely something you can enjoy on your own or even something you can do with your older kids who can relate to being burned out. Some classes will include how to enjoy gin with your favorite kind of pizza. Or even Smirnoff with some burgers.
“The Filipino taste bud has evolved with the plethora of food choices around. We want to show that you can find this same breadth and diversity within liquor. There are equally as many endless choices to be discovered. Whether it’s whisky, wine, beer, gin, rum, tequila, or even soju, the experience can be made even better with the perfect food pairing. Together with our liquor brand and food partners, we hope to showcase this fusion of flavors,” says Miguel Guerrero, CEO and Co-Founder of

Experience a fusion of flavors at the Boozy Fest
While we are a little Zoom-fatigued ourselves, this is not the usual Zoom class with just a one-sided lecture. This is a class worth PHP499 that gives you a consumable tasting kit and what better way to enjoy a class than to eat? The Boozy Fest Masterclass Access Pass is our one-way ticket to a week of drinking (if we avail of all the classes) and a well-deserved night off before going back to the grind. You can order their pass here:
Looking for more drinking moments? Check out our stories here!
Teens and Drinks: Teaching Them How To Drink Safely and Moderately
Drink to Our Health: 4 Reasons to Try Natural Drinks
Mixing and Kids: Learning From Mixologist Mom Kathryn Eckstein