Moms and Dads

Like Father, Like Son Series: Franz and Luigi Pumaren

The musings of father and son duo, Franz and Luigi Pumaren, tell the story of their relationship and how it has changed over the years.

This story about Franz and Luigi Pumaren first came out in Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition available on

When dads have sons, it can entail a lot of pressure for them to ensure their children follow in their footsteps. Yet there are those who enjoy the journey of having to discover who their boys turn out to be as they take strides towards becoming men. Dad-and-son duo Franz and Luigi Pumaren have their unique dynamics with each other. But if there is one thing they share in common, it’s the ability to let their parent-child relationships change and evolve with the times. This father and son weigh in with Modern Parenting on how they navigate their growing relationship.

To read the full article, grab a copy of Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition. It’s available on Or you can download the e-Magazine from Readly or Press Reader.

Franz and Luigi Pumaren

MP: How has your relationship as father and son changed throughout the years?

Luigi: My dad has always been someone I looked up to. I wanted to make him proud of me. Growing up I would say he was a disciplinarian, whether it was for school or sports. He just wanted all of his kids to excel. I used to always ask him for advice about simple things such as basketball, and he was always willing to help me. But now that I’m older, he mellowed down a bit. He’s someone I always turn to now for advice in business and life.

To read the full article, grab a copy of Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition. It’s available on Or you can download the e-Magazine from Readly or Press Reader.

MP: How would you describe your relationship and dynamic today?

Franz: I see Luigi as a kabarkada now, actually. In fact, some people even think I’m his older brother. But now that he’s an adult, we can converse about a lot of things, especially about our shared interests. Aside from that, I always make it a point to eat dinner with the family despite my busy schedule.

To read the full article, grab a copy of Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition. It’s available on Or you can download the e-Magazine from Readly or Press Reader.

MP: What are things you were surprised to learn about your dad while growing up?

Luigi: I learned that nothing was handed to him on a silver platter. He had to earn everything through hard work and dedication. He was also very resourceful. Even when he was a professional athlete, he still did things on the side, like he was a public servant and had other businesses as well.

Franz and Luigi Pumaren

MP: Similarly, what were the things you were surprised to witness from your kid as he was growing up?

Franz: Well, I was surprised to find out how much my son reminds me of myself. We not only share similar looks but also similar interests in basketball, business, and the like. What surprised me was that I didn’t need to push him into developing interest in those activities, because he had already liked them. Aside from that, I was proud to witness his milestones and accomplishments—from him being part of his high school basketball team, to winning the best college thesis award, then working his way up in a multinational company.

MP: What’s the most important or memorable lesson you’ve learned from your dad?

Luigi: He taught me the importance of always pushing and challenging myself. In order to be able to achieve what I want in life, I need to be able to get out of my comfort zone and think outside the box.

MP: What’s one thing being a dad to a growing son taught you?

Franz: As a father, I learned to become more understanding towards my children because I realized that the challenges they go through are different from what my generation had to deal with back then. Kaya, I learned that I should let them handle their own problems so that they will be independent decision-makers–but also know when I should step in and offer my help.

To read the full article, grab a copy of Modern Parenting’s special Mother’s Day-Father’s Day 2023 Print Edition. It’s available on Or you can download the e-Magazine from Readly or Press Reader.

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