
5 Things To Know About Carlos Acutis, The Soon-To-Be Millennial Saint

Carlos Acutis, an Italian teen who died of leukemia in 2006 is set to be canonized as a saint

A young Italian boy who died in 2006 is set to be canonized as a saint in 2025. The Catholic News Agency reported that the College of Cardinals had approved the canonization of Carlos Acutis, who died in 2006 due to leukemia.

The announcement was made after Pope Francis recognized a second miracle attributed to Acutis. Two miracles through intercession are needed by the Catholic Church as the next step to sainthood for Acutis.

Blessed Carlos Acutis joined 14 other people who were assented by the College of Cardinals during a consistory last July 1. The date for his canonization has yet to be announced but will likely be in 2025.

Just who is Carlos Acutis and why was he considered for sainthood? Here are five things to know about the young boy.

1. Carlos Acutis is a regular teen who loves computers and programming

Carlos was described by Bishop Michelangelo M. Tiribilli as “A teenager of our time like many others, going to school and seeing his friends, and an expert for his age in computers. His encounter with Jesus Christ fitted into all of this.”

“Carlo Acutis is [a] witness to the Resurrection, he places his trust in the Virgin Mary, lives a life of grace, and tells his contemporaries about his incredible experience with God.”

2. He has developed an interest about Catholicism at a young age

When Carlos was alive, he developed an interest in religion. He often attends masses, takes Communion every day, and recites the rosary. He even asked his parents on pilgrimages.

3. Carlos created a website to catalog the importance of the Church teachings and sacraments

Carlos used his skills as a computer programmer to develop a website to catalog about the teaching of the Catholic Church and the importance of the sacraments.

“The more often we receive the Eucharist, the more we will become like Jesus so that on this earth we will have a foretaste of heaven,” he wrote.

4. Carlos lifted his life to God as he battled leukemia

As he battled leukemia, Carlos was said to have lifted all of his sufferings to God.

“I offer all the suffering I will have to suffer for the Lord, for the Pope, and the Church,” he said.

Carlos died on October 12, 2006, and was buried at Assisi because of his devotion to St. Francis of Assisi. In 2018, he was made Venerable by the Catholic Church.

His tomb was opened to the public where he is seen wearing jeans and Nike sneakers, clothes he has always been known for.

5. The two miracles attributed to Carlos Acutis

The first miracle attributed to Carlos Acutis was a young boy from Brazil who was said to have been cured of a birth defect in his pancreas. The Brazilian boy’s mom was said to have prayed to Acutis to intercede for the healing.

The second miracle took place in Costa Rica when a girl who had a head trauma got well after her mother went to Acutis’s tomb to pray.

Recognizing young saints

Carlos Acutis’ path to sainthood is just one of the many in line as the Catholic Church hopes to bring the young generation back to its teachings. Aside from Carlos, a young Filipina named Niña Ruiz-Abad is also being eyed for sainthood. If granted by the Catholic Church, she could be the third Filipino to be recognized as a saint.

The Philippines has two saints recognized – St. Lorenzo Ruiz and St. Pedro Calungsod.

What’s been happening so far?

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