These MEGA Moms are all about Empowered Beauty!
Shiseido recognizes Trina Epilepsia-Boutain, Peewee Reyes-Isidro and our very own EIC, Marga Medrano-Tupaz as epitomes of empowered beauty!
Although we sometimes find it difficult to treat ourselves, we can see how a little self-care can really go a long way, especially during this pandemic. When we treat ourselves, we learn how to love ourselves and, by learning how we become more mindful of what we want and need. We become empowered and find beauty within. And if there’s anyone who can show proof that it does, it’s our MEGA moms Trina Epilepsia-Boutain, Peewee Reyes-Isidro and Marga Medrano-Tupaz.
What’s their secret?
When it comes to keeping these magazines in tip-top shape, these moms care for them as if they were their own children. From planning out everything to making sure the content’s ready, moms Marga, Trina and Peewee make sure everything’s running smoothly even when constrained to working from home. All the while being a mom to their kids. Working from home demands that they not only are available for their work but for their kids too!

The Queen Bee of MEGA and winner of the Stylish Editor Award, Peewee Isidro, definitely has earned her spot as an empowered mom. Even as the editor-in-chief of MEGA magazine, Peewee still considers being a mom to her daughters, Celine and Chloe, one of her greatest achievements. “I try to be as real as I can be. As editor-in-chief, I am expected to look and act a certain way. But ultimately, I am in this position because I always choose to be myself. My position requires me to lead and listen. As a mom, I practice the same principles,” says Peewee in her interview.

As the Managing Editor of MEGA Magazine, it’d be criminal to not recognize Trina Boutain as an example of a mom with empowered beauty. She sets the standards of glam, beauty, and style of MEGA magazine, earning her the Stylish Mom award from Shiseido. Her secret to her empowered beauty as a mom? It’s her knowing that she doesn’t have to give up everything to the “altar of motherhood”. “We don’t have to give up everything on the altar of motherhood,” says Trina. “You wake up 5 times during the night to nurse or change diapers—they can wait 5 minutes for you to get your eyeliner right. And when you’re feeling blah, just remember that your children fervently believe you’re the best thing ever.”

Modern Parenting Editor-in-Chief Marga Tupaz won the Parenting and Lifestyle Editor Award for a reason. Managing two titles, Modern Parenting and on top of the shenanigans of her 6 kids — that level of management can only come from an empowered working mom who has learned the secret of juggling the needs of her family and her own. “I realized that aside from nurturing my own children, I also had to love and care for my “inner child” first,” wrote Marga in her article about Conscious Parenting. “Equipped with so much certainty that we all deserve the good things in life, I manifest less fear and insecurity, and instead radiate more light and positivity.”
Besides our MEGA Moms, we’d also like to congratulate our amazing columnists Tanya Aguila and Firas Abboud for also being recognized by SHISEIDO as examples of empowered beauty.
Knowing yourself to empower your beauty
When we stop loving ourselves, the first signs show up on our skin. The pimples, the wrinkles, dark spots — they start appearing all over our faces which makes it harder for us to look at ourselves in the mirror. It’s why Shiseido developed the SHISEIDO ULTIMUNE Power Infusing Concentrate III, a beauty serum to empower us to find the beauty within so we can learn how to love ourselves again and give our kids the love we know they both want and need.
If you’re looking for the SHISEIDO ULTIMUNE Power Infusing Concentrate III, you can check it out here or in any of your local cosmetics store.
Congratulations to our MEGA Moms! Read more about our MEGA Moms here:
The Road to Conscious Parenting: Transforming ourselves to empower our children
Peewee Isidro: Motherhood in Post-production
25 Stylish Moms Who Inspire Us to Up Our Fashion Game