
What She Said Changed The World For The Better

The power behind the words “She Said” comes to life on the silver screen as it tells the story of how the system changed for the better for women.

At some point in history, the system — whether in the workplace, at home, or in society — always had women at a disadvantage. Women found themselves making less than their male colleagues. Mothers were looked over as potential employees because companies felt they could not dedicate themselves to corporate work. Especially when powerful men hold the reins in an industry, women had no choice but to “lower their heads” and “silence” themselves. But She Said tells the story of the abuser Harvey Weinstein. He’s a powerful producer and is not untouchable in the viewpoint of the women who slowly began to realize this.

scenes from the movie She Said

But Her Story Began To Change When She Said…

There is truth that all it takes is one woman to own the truth to a story that abusers in power buried. When two investigative reporters Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey decide to tackle assault and harassment on women, they begin to unravel an old, disadvantageous yet accepted structure found in the entertainment industry that destroyed women more than it helped them rise in their careers. No longer was finishing the story just in the name of investigative journalism. But, to give a voice to the many women who have been “silenced” and “professionally” destroyed by the system.

The Reality of Women’s Struggles

Journalists already find it difficult trying to get people to “go on record.” But all the more when they’re trying to juggle being mothers. The exhaustion, the feeling that we’ve hit a brick wall, and the sinking feeling in our stomachs that everything we do will result in nothing. All of those are real feelings. What more for the abused women who buried their pain to heal only to desperately find and summon the strength to speak up about it? She Said reveals the difficulty of all those feelings, especially in a system where there seems to be no advantage.

scenes from the movie She Said

But sometimes, you have to make the advantage.

It is a terrifying risk especially when those in power have the legal and financial means to destroy. But many abusers are aware of this. They know they have the power, which is why none of them expect their victims to fight back. She Said highlights the extent of what abusers akin to Harvey Weinstein will do to make sure that they still have power. From signing Non-Disclosure Agreements and doling out settlements—anything to prevent them from losing power.

She Said The Movie is Coming Out on November 23!

A film filled with both heartwarming and heartbreaking moments for both journalists and women alike, She Said brings to light the moral obligation that both investigative journalists and women have in a system that oppresses. While it will never be an easy choice to willfully go on the record against an abuser, it is not right to keep one’s silence about it either.

two women talking

Catch She Said in cinemas this coming November 23!

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