Your College Kids Need To Attend At Least One College Dorm Party
College Dorm Parties are the ultimate networking event for college students.
We often remember most college parties back in our day to have the unholy trinity of sex, smoking, and drinking. Although those elements are still there, it’s not as prevalent as they used to be. These parties do a lot more for students than just being a cesspool where all the dirty deeds are done. A college dorm party can also serve as a networking spot as well — similar to how adults go to nightclubs or bars to mingle.
Meet Friends Beyond Classes
We’re pretty sure that some of our closest friends aren’t usually found in a class cramming a requirement. A lot of friendships are formed because of the crazy things we used to do. Sometimes, it’s drinking beer in someone’s truck. Others, it’s racing along EDSA. College dorm parties are quite tame compared to these.
Fighting Homesickness
Colleges don’t just accept students within the region or city they’re in. They take in all sorts of students across the archipelago, leaving many of the dormers unable to spend time with their families. For a short while, college students from the province do relish that newfound freedom. But eventually, they start to feel homesick, which is what college dorm parties help get rid of. They may find others who are their kababayan or from the same province.

Allowed by official university organizations
It’s also a lot safer than just going to a random nightclub. If the college dorm party is hosted by a school club or organization, there are strict guidelines to follow to make the party safe such as background screening, approved caterers, etc. Although nightclubs do have their security, it can soothe our anxiety knowing that a school-recognized club or organization is taking care of logistics so that our kids go home safe — drunk or not.
Attend a college dorm party responsibly
Perhaps that’s one thing to get across to our college kids. There’s nothing wrong with attending a college dorm party. It’s more of doing so responsibly. That means, getting all requirements and homework done before chugging down bottles of beer. Although it’s a little hard for us to let the kids experience the nightlife, it’s also about trusting them to be able to handle themselves, especially at a party.
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