
4 Notable Lessons on Character Building And Christian Values From Team Kramer

Team Kramer’s Doug and Chesca Kramer answered questions on faith and values from followers and members from Christ’s Commission Fellowship (CCF) on their vlog

As parents, part of the job is to instill and teach values kids will remember for the rest of their lives. These values form part of their character building and become part of their core values in whatever decisions they make later on. Doug and Chesca Kramer of Team Kramer, recently sat down to answer questions from the Christ’s Commission Fellowship (CCF) community about character building and practicing their faith. Here are some of the notable lessons we got.

Doug and Chesca on the importance of teaching Christian values to their kids

Doug shared it started with the couple’s personal decision to teach these values. “I think for me, it personal convictions and obviously, I’ve encountered the joy of knowing Jesus Christ in my life and how we’ve committed ou family to put Him in the center of our relationship in family and obviously, once we’ve seen the kind of love, the unconditional love that Jesus has shown in our lives, what better to share that to our children as well.”

Chesca for her part said that when she embraced Christ in her life, she saw the changes. ” I also found my peace and joy reading God’s word and really applying it in my life. And when I saw the changes in me, I also felt that I wanted to share this with my children.”

We believe family is our first ministry,” Doug added. ” And character building stars at home.”

Doug and Chesca on whether it was easy for them to raise their children in the values set by the Bible

While the couple stressed putting God as the center of their family’s lives, Chesca and Doug admit it could be challenging in raising their kids with the values.

“You know what because our kids are so small and we started them young, it’s not hard to correct them and it’s something that they are growing up with…,” Chesca said. “So I think when you start them young and when they see the example, it’s so much easier to mold them.”

“The word that maybe I would use is ‘challenging,’ because it’s daily, it’s constant, it’s molding, and everyday, you have to set an example to your children,” Doug said. “Because they will really follow everything that you will do. But we’re determined. Checa and I are determined to be the best examples for them and to teach and impart all of this to our kids.”

Team Kramer on teaching their kids what’s right and wrong

For Chesca, communication is important, especially with the actions of their children. ” I think communication and relationship is very important, intentional parenting is very important. So I have my time with my children where I talk to them about what is right and what is wrong and you know, when we read the Bible, I ask them what are the things you think will help you navigate through life?”

“And at the same time, with our Bible reading, with the time that we spend we were able to set truths. I think it’s so important that you know we establish truths with our children and those truths we can build our convictions, our non-negotiables, and that way it’s also easy for them to have a checklist or a guide or an inventory of the things that they should be following.”

“How would you be able to do that if you’re not spending time with your children? So you need to spend time, you need to invest in time with your children, with your family,” Doug said. ” How will you be able to uncover things without having to talk to them. I believe in the saying ‘What is important for you is what you make time for.'”

By establishing time, the couple said all things follow including teaching the kids the concept of what is right and wrong.

Team Kramer on teaching love for country

Doug once again the importance of character building. ” Your children will see how your father will treat your mom or how the mom treats your husband and how the parents treat the children. All of these things are connected to how they treat others outside.”

“It’s also important that we establish the attributes that God has and this is the basis where we can actually share to our children, how they should be towards other people or what they should look for when to look up to somebody,” Chesca said.

“I always tell our children that it’s so important that we pray for our leaders, pray for our government and pray for the situation that we are facing not just our country but around the world,” Chesca added. “And you know, when I think of leaders, and when I think of how things should be, I always look at the example that Jesus Christ showed.”

Reflection this Lent 2022

As Christians around the world celebrate Lent 2022, let us not forget to reflect and spend time getting to know ourselves and God. As things slowly get better after two years of the pandemic, like Chesca and Doug’s family, let us not forget to put Him in the center of our lives and continue spreading his word in our own way.

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